Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Consciousness and Mind Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Consciousness and Mind - Essay Example   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   â€Å"The experiences in which the artist sees his phantasy formations, or more precisely, that peculiar internal seeing itself or bringing to intuition of centaurs, heroic characters, landscapes, and so on, which we contrast to external seeing, to the external seeing that belongs to perception† (Meraud, 27). Husserl is of the opinion that phantasy is quite fairly evolved in the artist.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   While Husserl asserts â€Å"aesthetic consciousness† in artists, Noe (2000) argues, "Art can make a needed contribution to the study of perceptual consciousness" (123). He means that artwork of artists can provide us the opportunity to gain a reflective experience. That is how one can do phenomenological investigation.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   To put forth his point forward, Noe (2000) illustrates cases of Smith and Serra. Both create metal sculptures appropriate for outdoor installation. While Smith's works are created based on mathematical or geometrical ratios; Serra's works are purely experiential. Smith’s creation attempts to combine certain shapes such as terahedrons so as to fill out space. They are demonstrative pieces to show that space can be filled. In contrast, Serra's pieces depend upon their scale, their milieu and their complexity. Smith's pieces can be viewed as universal. Smith is more concerned with geometry, form and internal relationships while Serra's sculpture invokes consciousness (Noe, 2000). He categorically emphasizes that works of some artists do qualify for phenomenological study meaning "Experiential art enables us to do this†.

Monday, October 28, 2019

Its anti-life Essay Example for Free

Its anti-life Essay Now I’m not going to delve into the argument of whether an unborn fetus is life because that’s a complete and utter waste of time. But I do want to know if life is as valuable as everybody claims. Do you really think about how valuable the life of a beggar is when you meet him or her down the street? Do you value the life of a murderer when you’re facing him at gunpoint? Do you value the life of a corrupt government official when he is using his power for profit? The truth is we only value life when the absence of life is there. The rest of the time we don’t really give a crap about it. We waste life, we self-destruct, we kill, we steal and yet when we see a loved one die or when we find out we’re dying we start valuing life. Isn’t that simply hypocrisy? The truth is, the only life that’s valuable to us is our own life and the lives of those who are close to us. You people rant about how important human life is yet when exposed in our vulnerable state all you see is a facade of hypocrisy to shield your irrational beliefs. You brag about valuing the human life yet all you really care about is your own selfish life. It isn’t life that’s important to humans. What’s important is the â€Å"person† inside each and every human being. You can tell me that the reason why some people don’t care about life is because there is good and there is evil when it comes to people. If that is so then that means that life is also either good or bad. And when it comes to human nature, people almost never put any value into anything that is bad. Euthanasia is defined as the practice of ending a life prematurely in order to end pain and suffering. The process is also sometimes called Mercy Killing. Euthanasia can fall into several categories. Voluntary Euthanasia is carried out with the permission of the person whose life is taken. Involuntary euthanasia is carried out without permission, such as in the case of a criminal execution. The moral and social questions surrounding these practices are the most active fields of research in Bioethics today. Many Supreme Court cases, such as Gonzales v. Oregon and Baxter vs. Montana, also surround this issue. Voluntary euthanasia is typically performed when a person is suffering from a terminal illness and is in great pain. When the patient performs this procedure with the help of a doctor, the term assisted suicide is often used. This practice is legal in Belgium, the Netherlands and Luxemburg. It is also legal in the state of Oregon, Washington and Montana. Passive euthanasia is carried out by terminating a medication that is keeping a patient alive or not performing a life-saving procedure. Active euthanasia involves the administration of a lethal drug or otherwise actively ending the life. These two types of procedures carry different moral and social issues. Euthanasia Debate Controversy There is a lot of controversy surrounding the issue of euthanasia and whether or not it should be legal. From a legal standpoint, the Encyclopedia of American Law categorizes mercy killing as a class of criminal homicide. Judicially, not all homicide is illegal. Killing is seen as excusable when used as a criminal punishment, but inexcusable when carried out for any other reason. In most nations, euthanasia is considered criminal homicide: however, in the jurisdictions mentioned above, it is placed on the other side of the table with criminal punishment. Arguments regarding the euthanasia debate often depend on the method used to take the life of the patient. The Oregon Death with Dignity Act made it legal for residents to request a lethal injection from a doctor. This is seen in other jurisdictions as being a criminal form of homicide. However, passive euthanasia through denial of drugs or procedures is considered to be legal in almost all jurisdictions. Those who argue for euthanasia feel that there is no difference. Those who are against it disagree. Euthanasia and Religion Many arguments also hinge on religious beliefs. Many Christians believe that taking a life, for any reason, is interfering with Gods plan and is comparable to murder. The most conservative of Christians are against even passive euthanasia. Some religious people do take the other side of the argument and believe that the drugs to end suffering early are God-given and should be used. One of the main groups of people who are involved with the euthanasia debate is physicians. One survey in the United States recorded the opinions of over 10,000 medical doctors and found that sixteen percent would consider stopping a life-maintaining therapy at the recommendation of family or the patient. Fifty five percent would never do such. The study also found that 46 percent of doctors believe that physician assisted suicide should be allowed in some cases. The controversy surrounding euthanasia involves many aspects of religion, medical and social sciences. As this is one of the most studied fields of bioethics, one can rest assured that more studies will be performed to learn more about this issue and how to best address it. Firstly, I disagree with your definition of euthanasia. Euthanasia is the putting to death, by painless method, of a terminally-ill or severely debilitated person through the omission (intentionally withholding a life-saving medical procedure, also known as passive euthanasia) or commission of an act (active euthanasia), as defined by the leanlegal dictionary online. I also find your first point confusing; in what way does the legalisation of euthanasia affect the close family ties in Filipinos? I, being a Filipino, can relate, and I fail to see your point. Secondly, define what you mean by the doctors ethics? In a case to case basis, a doctor will not be performing euthanasia if he/she is against it, therefore it is a fallacy to generalise to all doctors. Lastly, euthanasia is against the constitution, that is why the topic is should it be legalised. Saying it is currently not legal is restating the topic, no relevance. Now for my arguments. Firstly, the financial costs of keeping a person on a life support machine are enormous, not to mention hospital bills and 24-hour medical care. 80% of the Filipinos live in poverty, how many people can afford this? What happens then if the family cannot afford keeping the relative on life support? Do they get arrested? Secondly, the emotional distress that is caused by seeing your loved one in a vegetative state for an extended period of time while doctors continually tell you that there is no hope for recovery is potentially traumatizing. Some people who consider this as suffering for the vegetable loved one will want euthanasia, but they havent the option. Legalising this will not force everyone to take this course, but rather only provide an option. Lastly, the medical facilities and time that is devoted towards the vegetative patient with low chances of recovery could be spent helping someone else in greater need. Already in the Philippines we have a shortage of medical personnel and equipment, this additional burden will only cause more damage.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Exploring Change in The Allegory of the Cave, and The Myth of Sisyphus :: Allegory Sisyphus

Exploring Change in The Allegory of the Cave, and The Myth of Sisyphus      Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  The Allegory of the Cave, and The Myth of Sisyphus, are both attempts at explaining some aspect of the way people think or why humans do as observed. Both stories illustrate the same idea:   without necessary and proper exposure to change, thinking is limited and ignorance is the direct product.    The Allegory of the Cave is a parable that demonstrates how humans are afraid of change and what they do not know.   In this work, Plato suggests a situation in which men are living in an underground cave.   The one entrance is located near the top and there, a burning fire casts shadow.   The men of the cave are chained so that they can only see the wall and cannot turn around.   When objects pass by it creates a shadow on the wall.   The shadows are the only thing they can see and therefore is the only thing they know to exist (747).   Somehow one of them gets loose and wanders outside the cave (748).   When he gets out, he is astonished at what he finds.   He comes back in to tell the others about what he saw.   The other men think he is mad and plot to kill him (749).   This illustrates how fear, inherent in the primitive nature of man, only serves to promote his ignorance.   Today a leading cause of stress is change; a change in your job, lifestyle, or significant others can cause stress.   Many Americans are living longer and discovering, as a result, that the learning process can never really be allowed to stop.   To be successful or sometimes even just to maintain a comfortable existence, one must adapt to the rapidly changing order.   Acknowledging that there is more that needs knowing and embarking on new educational journeys requires courage and fortitude, due to man’s inherent nature of fear.   Persons of the best natures must be compelled to attain a more complete knowledge, and those of this more complete education must expose the others to the realities of â€Å" the beautiful, the just, and the good† (752).   Often the path of explanation and clarification is unsure, but confining thought to merely the realms of the known can only prove fatal.   Individuals who currently oppose technological advances and also oppose the furthering of research mirror the cave dwellers who, out of fear, ridicule the newly enlightened wanderer.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Cocaine and the Brain: The Neurobiology of Addiction Essay -- Biology

Cocaine and the Brain: The Neurobiology of Addiction In the eyes of the public, the word addict stirs up a negative image: a person of low moral character who willfully chooses to engage in questionable behavior. This image is perpetuated in the media; on a recent episode of E.R., the chief surgeon criticizes another doctor for allowing a heroin addict (who has been treated for an abscess) to exchange a dirty needle, explaining "we donà ¢t want these low-lives hanging around the hospital." The social stigma attached to addicts reflects the great gap that exists between scientific knowledge and public perception of addiction. Just as mental illness was viewed as a social problem instead of a medical issue until the last several decades, drug addiction continues to be seen as a character flaw instead of as the biological problem that it is. As defined by the American Psychiatric Association, addiction is a "chronically relapsing disorder that is characterized by three major elements: (a) compulsion to seek and take the drug, (b) loss of control in limiting intake, and (c) emergence of a negative emotional state when access to the drug is prevented" (1). This disorder results from the repeated use of a drug over a prolonged period of time, causing physical changes in the brain. Perhaps the most addictive of drugs is cocaine. Cocaine acts on the mesoaccumbens dopamine (DA) pathway of the midbrain, extending from the ventral tegumental area (VTA) to the nucleus accumbens (NAc). (2). This pathway is also known as the reward pathway as it is the area of the brain that is activated when someone has a pleasurable experience such as eating, sex, or receiving praise. (NOTE: The reward pathway was discovered through the technique of...$srccat%25a3pubtitle%25a4%22The%20Lancet%22%25a3srclf%25a4%25a3srclf_group%25a4%25a3srclf_title%25a4%25a3&wchp=dGLSzS-lSlAl&_md5=9d45ca951ebfccd3b6596b38d0b83ce7 19) Combining Drug Counseling Methods Proves Effective in Treating Cocaine Addiction , Information on drug counseling 20) Coping Skills Help Patients Recognize and Resist the Urge to Use Cocaine , Information on therapy for cue-induced relapse

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Filipino food for thought Essay

Food is a very important part of a Filipino’s life. No gathering would be complete without the lechon and so many other Filipino delicacies that we so enjoy. In my personal observation, it can be said that Filipinos seem to live simply for the pleasure of eating. You can’t visit a home without being offered a drink and food from the people there. It seems that food and the Filipino have been deeply rooted together. It may be that through food that brings the Filipino family close together. Indeed, we have come a long way from simply catching our prey and eating it raw and bloody. We have turned cooking and baking into an art form. Of course, through the help of modern inventions, cooking has evolved so much that it doesn’t even take you the whole day to prepare a meal that tastes like a feast! Microwaves and electric stoves replace all those clay pots and stone oven used a long time ago. Everything we need comes in neat little packages that just need to be opened, reheated and, Voila! Dinner is served. It wasn’t this easy during the time of our grandmothers although there were many improvements in the culinary arts. Women still had to slave over hot stoves, go to the market each morning to buy fresh ingredients and transform it to the sumptuous meals we all enjoy. Hard as it was to prepare food, this was the daily chores women did together that has bound them into one close-knit family. Yes, modern equipment have made lives so much easier, but some things in life that can’t be replaced by machines. In addition, some very important things are completely lost thanks to the modernization. Just imagine this quaint little scene in the lives of our grandmothers in the provinces. Come the day of the feast of whoever their patron saint, all of the women would gather in houses to start the preparations for the feast. Congregating in a specific spot (most usually the house of the wealthiest neighbor), they would formulate their game plan. Who would cook this and that, who would be in-charge of doing every little thing imaginable. For almost a week every year, they would busily go about their cooking with the other women in their village. This secret ritual is somewhat like the essay of straightening hair as a secret society. These cooking pros are in fact secret societies of the village women where children and men aren’t allowed, secret recipes kept within themselves and only when a girl reaches the right age would she be assimilated into the group. One would never think of this at this particular angle. With the dawn of technological advance, traditions are being replaced with the convenience of modern living. Nowadays, food preparation has become something too bothersome to worry over. Microwavables and ready-to-eat meals are the way to go especially in the busy lifestyle of the people, like some who hold two jobs to keep up with the expenses. Gone are the days when food preparation was a tradition. It has become a meaningless process most especially for the people in the cities. It is true that modernization is God’s gift to mankind. Everything has become so simple and effortless. Food cooked in minutes rather than hours, people can communicate to each other all over the world with just a press of a button and so many more. The advantages of improvement are undeniable. Yet, when it comes down to the basics, we must think; is it really worth it? Does this so-called improvement really improve the people I am with as well as myself? Is what we are giving up or paying for the price of modernization worth it? Personally, I find that some things are meant to be forever. There may be changes and yet the basic essence can remain the same. People who dwell in the modern world, living a modern life have forgotten what really matters. Custom and traditions make a country what who they are. The personality of each and everyone is molded by the way they are brought up or according to what belief the parents have reflects on their children. Modernization takes away the tradition that has been passed on from parent to child. Tradition is not the only thing that can describe what kind of people we are. What we eat also shows us the people we have become or have been. Take for example dinuguan, which is made of pork meat, blood and heart. It sounds kind of disgusting but it is simply divine! Tastes aside, it tells the people of what kind of people we were. It shows us that long before, we were not the stiff and super-civilized people we think we want to be now. Dinuguan seems like dish made by savages, according to the standard set by foreigners, but who is to judge us? Many of our creme ala creme of society have flatly refuse to eat any more of this delicacy. Why? Honestly, I think they are afraid to let the real Filipino inside them shine through lest it would ruin their high-class standards they have set for themselves. Another delicacy that tells so much of us Filipinos is the native bagoong. This is a pungent Filipino sauce made out of tiny shrimps and salt. The process of making bagoong is quite simple. All the ingredients are mixed together and stirred in a special way, by means of the feet. The makers of the bagoong would go up on a stone â€Å"bowl† where all the ingredients and secret spices are put together, then the fun begins. There is no special style on how to make this, but if you look at it seems so much like the grapes that are turned into the greatest wine. Who knows, maybe this is the best way to make bagoong? I think that this lowly sauce captures the true essence of the Filipino people. You see, we were conquered so many times, first were the Spaniards, then Americans and the Japanese. The longest being the Spaniards, we have experienced so much pain and suffering from them, the Friars and the government officials, who neither cared for the country or the people. They just wanted to get a piece of the wealth and resources of this poor native country down there. Time and time again, we were stepped upon and crushed by these so-called leaders of the church and state, and yet we survived only to become stronger and more powerful than before. It did take a long time before we reached our goals, but we did get there. Just like bagoong, its stepped on, everything is mashed into tiny pieces, and it seemed that everything (shrimps and spices) were lost in this gooey mess. Ironically, the longer they stepped on the bagoong, the tastier it got, the better the sauce. Some even say the feet had something to do with it. Yes, we Pinoys did get crushed, we were stepped on but then we have managed to make the most out of our situation. All those oppressors left a mark on us, which we accepted and turned to our advantage, very much like the effect of stomping does on the bagoong. What we eat makes us what we are. It sounds kind of funny to think of eating this way. If France can eat steak that makes them feel their power, or drink wine, Filipinos must also have something that shows the world what they are. The bagoong, mashed shrimp that doesn’t really look appealing, tells the world of its history. The many culinary dishes made up of so many different things show that even if we are all have diverse cultures and have so many differences, we Filipinos can still make something great together as one country. We may have Muslims in the South and Christians in Manila and Aborigines up in the north, but one thing is for sure. We are all Filipinos and no matter what, we are united as one people. How we prepare our food reflects our culture and tradition, even if modern technology is taking the place of so many things, our basic core is still the same. We should be proud of what we have achieved.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Personality Traits and Study Habits

Personality Traits and Study Habits We all like to take tests that tell us something about ourselves. There are many assessment tools available online that are based on Carl Jungs and Isabel Briggs Myers typology assessments. These tests can tell you a little more about your personality and personal preferences, and may provide insight into how to make the most of your study time. The widely-recognized and popular Jung and Briggs Myers typology tests are used by professionals in the workplace quite often to determine how and why people work, but also how individuals work together. This information can be valuable for students, as well. The results of the typology test are a set of specific letters that represent personality types. The sixteen possible combinations include variations of the letters I for introversion, E for extroversion, S for sensing, N for intuition, T for thinking, F for feeling, J for judging, and P for perceiving. For example, if you are an ISTJ type, you are an introvert, sensing, thinking, judging person. Please note: These words will mean something different from your traditional understanding. Dont be surprised or offended if they dont seem to fit. Just read the descriptions of the traits. Your Traits and Your Study Habits Individual traits make you special, and your special traits affect how you study, work with others, read, and write. The traits listed below, as well as the comments that follow, may shed some light on the way you study and complete your homework tasks. Extroversion If you are an extrovert, you tend to be comfortable in a group setting. You should not have trouble finding a study partner or working in groups, but you might experience a personality clash with another group member. If you are too outgoing, you could rub somebody the wrong way. Keep that enthusiasm in check. You might tend to skip over parts of a textbook that are boring to you. This can be dangerous. Slow down and re-read things if you realize youre skimming over parts. Take the time to plan any essays that you write. You will want to jump in and write without an outline. It will be a struggle, but you will need to plan more before jumping into a project. Introversion Introverts can be less comfortable when it comes to speaking in class or working in groups. If this sounds like you, just remember this: introverts are experts at analyzing and reporting. You will have great things to say because you will take the time to ponder and analyze things. The fact that you are making a good contribution and you tend to over-prepare should bring you comfort and make you more relaxed. Every group needs a thoughtful introvert to keep them on track. You tend to be more of a planner, so your writing is normally pretty organized. As for reading, you may tend to get stuck on a concept you dont understand. Your brain will want to stop and process. This just means you should take extra time for reading. It also means that your comprehension is likely above average. Sensing The sensing individual is comfortable with physical facts. If you are a sensing personality, you are good at putting puzzle pieces together, which is a good trait to have when conducting research. Sensing individuals trust concrete evidence, but they are skeptical of things that cant be easily proven. This makes some disciplines more challenging when results and conclusions are based on feelings and impressions. Literature analysis is an example of a subject that might challenge a sensing person. Intuition A person with intuition as a trait tends to interpret things based on the emotions they evoke. For example, the intuitive student will be comfortable writing a character analysis because personality traits become evident through the feelings they give us. Stingy, creepy, warm, and childish are personality traits that an intuitive could identify with little effort. An extreme intuitive may be more comfortable in a literature or art class than in a science class. But intuition is valuable in any course. Thinking The terms thinking and feeling in the Jung typology system have to do with the things you consider most when making a decision. Thinkers tend to focus on facts without letting their own personal feelings impact their decisions. For example, a thinker who is required to write about the death penalty will consider the statistical data about crime deterrents instead of considering the emotional toll of the crime. The thinker would not tend to consider the impact of a crime on family members as much as a feeler. If you are a thinker writing an argument essay, it might be worthwhile to stretch outside your comfort zone to focus on feelings a little more. Feeler Feelers can make decisions based on emotions, and this can be dangerous when it comes to proving a point in a debate or a research paper. Feelers may find statistics to be boring, but they must overcome the urge to argue or debate on emotional appeal alone- data and evidence are important. Extreme feelers will be excellent at writing response papers and art reviews. They may be challenged when writing science project process papers.

Monday, October 21, 2019

Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program Case Study

Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program Case Study Free Online Research Papers Part I. Introduction The economy in today’s society is in an unstable position. The costs of living, including energy bills are increasingly expensive. The heavy impact of economic hardships has trickled down into the low-family income bracket. The increase in gas and electric bills are significantly affecting low-income families in the District of Columbia. To mention, D.C. has the highest rate of child poverty in the nation. The percentage of African-American D.C. children living in poor families was 62%.2; more than half of D.C.s children live in low-income households. However, families in poverty and the increase in gas prices is a new problem. This crisis derived many years ago, but it is a continuing issue that led to a many legislative acts and the creation of a energy assistance program. Enabling Legislation For the most part, industrialized economies relied on crude oil, and OPEC was their predominant supplier. The Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program was established as a result of the increase in oil prices resulting from the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) oil embargo in 1973. In detail, the 1973 oil crisis started in October 1973, when members of Organization of Arab Petroleum Exporting Countries (OAPEC), consisting of the Arab members of OPEC, plus Egypt and Syria proclaimed and oil embargo â€Å"in response to the U.S. decision to re-supply the Israeli military† during the Yom Kippur war which lasted until 1974. OAPEC declared it would limit or stop oil shipments to the United States and other countries if they supported Israel in the conflict. To address these developments, the Nixon Administration began parallel negotiations with both Arab oil producers to end the embargo, and with Egypt, Syria, and Israel to arrange an Israeli troop withdrawal fr om the Sinai and the Golan Heights after the fighting stopped. By January 18, 1974, Secretary of State Henry Kissinger had negotiated an Israeli troop withdrawal from parts of the Sinai. The promise of a negotiated settlement between Israel and Syria was sufficient to convince Arab oil producers to lift the embargo in March 1974. By May, Israel agreed to withdraw from the Golan Heights. Independently, the OPEC members agreed to use their leverage over the world price-setting mechanism for oil to stabilize their real incomes by raising world oil prices. The action followed several years of steep income declines after the recent failure of negotiations with major western oil companies earlier in the month. Figure 1: The fluctuation in oil prices through the years ( Legislative History The mid-to-late -1970’s, a time marked by rapidly rising fuel prices, also marked the beginning of federal energy assistance funding for low income households. The first national program to help low-income households was created in early 1975 to assist families with energy conservation primarily through home weatherization. This assistance was provided through a new Emergency Energy Conservation Program (EECP), enacted as part of the head start, Economic Opportunity, and Community Partnership Act of 1974. The funds were administered by the Community Services Administration (CSA), the successor agency to the Office of Economic Opportunity, which was responsible for many of the programs created as part of the 1964 war on poverty. Beginning in 1977, funds were also made available through the CSA to help families directly pay for fuel. Congress continued to appropriate funds for energy assistance programs through FY 1980, at which point a new program, the Low Income Energy Assi stance Program (LIHEAP) was enacted as part of the Crude Oil Windfall Profits Tax Act of 1980. The program was introduced in the Senate as the Home Energy Assistance Act, the bill that would become the Crude Oil Windfall Profits Tax Act. LIHEAP allocated funds to states in order to help low income households pay their home energy cost ( The LIHEAP statute provides for two types of program funding: regular funds sometimes referred to as block grant funds - and emergency contingency funds. Regular funds are allotted to states on the basis of the LIHEAP statutory formula, which was enacted as part of the Human Services Reauthorization Act of 1984. LEGAL CITATIONS FOR ENERGY ASSISTANCE PROGRAM ADMINISTERED AT THE FEDERAL LEVEL BY THE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH HUMAN SERVICES STATTUTE AND DATE OF ENACTMNENT PUBLIC LAW TITLE CITATION FISCAL YEAR AUTHORIZED PROGRAM NAME Department of the Interior and Related Agencies Appropriations for Fiscal Year 198011/27/79 96-126 N/A Supplemental Energy Allowance Program for the Low Income Population 1980 Energy Assistance Program (EAP) Crude Oil Windfall Profit Tax Act of 19804/2/80 96-223 III Home Energy Assistance Act of 1980 1981 Low Income Energy Assistance Program (LIEAP) Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1981 (OBRA)8/13/81 97-35 XXVI Low Income Home Energy Assistance Act of 1981 1982-1984 Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) Human Services Reauthorization Act of 1984 (HSRA)10/30/84 98-558 VI Low Income Home Energy Assistance Act of 1981, as amended 1985-1986 LIHEAP Human Services Reauthorization Act of 1986 (HSRA)9/30/86 99-425 V Low Income Home Energy Assistance Act of 1981, as amended 1987-1990 LIHEAP Augustus F. Hawkins Human Services Reauthorization Act of 1990 (HSRA)11/3/90 101-501 VII Low Income Home Energy Assistance Act of 1981, as amended 1991-1994 LIHEAP National Institutes of Health Revitalization Act of 19936/10/93 103-43 XX Low Income Home Energy Assistance Act of 1981, as amended 1995 LIHEAP Human Services Amendments of 19945/18/94 103-252 III Low Income Home Energy Assistance Act of 1981, as amended 1995-1999 LIHEAP Coats Human Services Reauthorization Act of 199810/27/98 105-285 III Low Income Home Energy Assistance Act of 1981, as amended 2000-2004 LIHEAP Energy Policy Act of 200508/08/05 Low Income Home Energy Assistance Act of 1981, as amended 2005-2007 LIHEAP Mission Statement The mission of the Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program is to assist low income house- holds, particularly those with the lowest incomes that pay a high proportion of household income for home energy, primarily in meeting their immediate home energy needs. Objectives U.S Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS), Administration for children and Families, Office of Community Services, Division of Energy Assistance LIHEAP is a federally funded block grant program that is implemented at the State, Tribal, and Insular Area levels. Grantees serve from low income households who seek assistance for their home energy bills. LIHEAP has been operating since 1982 and its purpose is: to assist low-income households, particularly those with the lowest incomes, that pay a high proportion of household income for home energy, primarily in meeting their immediate home energy needs. The program encourages priority be given to those with the â€Å"highest home energy needs†, meaning low income households with a high energy burden and/or the presence of a â€Å"vulnerable† individual in the household, such as a young child, disabled person, or frail older individual. Some forms of assistance available to low income households through state LIHEAP programs include: financial assistance towards a household’s energy bill, emergency assistance if a household’s home energy service is shut off or about to be shut off, and a range of other energy-related services that States may choose to offer, such as weatherization improvements, utility equipment repair and replacement, and budgeting counseling. LIHEAP grantees, i.e., States, Tribes and Insular Area governments, receive block grant funding from the Administration for Children and Families to run their LIHEAP programs. Additionally, LIHEAP grantees may receive separate contingency funds, which are released at the Presidents discretion to supplement needs in areas during times of energy emergencies, such as extreme weather or high fuel prices. State grantees may also apply for additional Federal funds through the optional LIHEAP leveraging program where the federal government provides funds to grantees that leverage their Federal LIHEAP funds with non-Federal energy assistance resources. Each year LIHEAP also awards a limited amount of funds under the REACH program to grantees that provide innovative plans through local community-based agencies to help LIHEAP-eligible households reduce their energy vulnerability and minimize health and safety risks from inadequate home temperatures. ( LIHEAP remains dependent on federal appropriations process for its funding, which means the amount granted to the program varies from year to year. Federal funds for LIHEAP have fluctuated from a high of 2.1 billion in FY 1985 to a low of 1.0 billion in FY 1997. In FY 2006, Congress appropriated 2 billion for LIHEAP, however President Bush approved an additional $1 billion ($500 million in regular program funds and 500 million as emergency contingency funds), bringing the total funding up to 3 billion. In June of 2006, the House Appropriations Committee voted to cut LIHEAP funding by one third, returning LIHEAP’s funding to the 2 billion levels. It remains to be seen whether the Senate will accept the proposed cuts. Source: LIHEAP Report to Congress for FY 2000, Table 2 Even with the relatively high funding level for FY 2006, LIHEAP program directors faced an ongoing crisis. According to the US Department of Health and Human Services, between 1981 and FY 2000, the number of federally eligible households rose over 49 percent; however, federal fuel assistance funds rose only 22 percent. As a consequence, the percentage of federally eligible households receiving LIHEAP assistance has declined sharply, from 36 percent in 1981 to 20 percent in FY 2000. [1] The funds allotted to states cannot meet growing needs for heating and cooling assistance. The total number of recipient households has declined from 7.1 million in 1981 to 3.9 million in 2000, as states have had to restrict eligibility to the neediest of the needy. Despite the additional $1 billion appropriated for FY 2006, only 15 percent of households that were eligible received LIHEAP assistance. Source: LIHEAP Home Energy Notebook for FY 2001, page 26, figure 3-20 The residential energy burden (including heating, cooling and all other energy uses in the home) for all U.S. households in 2001 was $1,537 per household, or 7.0 percent of income. For LIHEAP recipient households, the respective figures are $1,301 and 17.2 percent, nearly two and one half times the average burden. At this level, many poor and elderly, including households with children, are forced to choose between heating their homes and purchasing food and/or important medications. Increasingly, the energy markets at the wholesale level have been deregulated and behave now like other commodity markets where price volatility exists. But price volatility adversely affects the poor, because they enter the market at the highest times of demand. Low-income consumers generally do not have the disposable income to purchase fuels off-season at lower costs. Thus, while energy prices have remained fairly stable on an annualized basis, seasonal price spikes have had terrible effects on the poor ( Clientele/ Special Interest Groups The clientele for LIHEAP are vulnerable individuals in households, such as a young child, disabled persons, or frail older individuals. TANF recipients- The Temporary Assistance for Needy Families Low Income recipients Disability recipients LIHEAP has proven to have successful relationships between the government, businesses, gas and electric utilities and community-based social service organizations. The Public Service Commission requires Potomac Electric Power Company (PEPCO), and Washington Gas to offer discount rates to low-income residential customers. Their special interest groups and networks are listed below: Change Incorporation- offer emergency rent, mortgage, and utility assistance to residents in Ward 1 Columbia Heights Shaw Family Collaborative- strives to build neighborhood-based systems that strengthens and nurtures families and keeps children, youth, and families safe from abuse; provides emergency assistance Community Council for the Homeless at Friendship Place- provides FEMA emergency rent and utilities in Ward 3 Intergovernmental Relations LIHEAP intermingles with governmental agencies at various levels of government. First, the LIHEAP program is an in sync with their state government and federal government. This program is regional and located in Boston, Dallas, New York, Kansa City, Philadelphia, Denver, Atlanta, San Francisco, Chicago and Seattle. There are also many federal agencies collaborating with the low income home energy assistance program on a federal and state level. FEDERAL AGENCIES Department of Energy o Energy Hog Energy Efficiency Campaign o Low Income weatherization Program o Monthly Energy Review o Residential natural Gas Customer Choice Programs o Short-Term Energy Outlook Department of Health and Urban Development Federal Emergency Management Control and Prevention Federal Energy Regulatory Commission NATIONAL ORGANIZATIONS Alliance To Save Energy American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy Part II. PROGRAM MANAGEMENT Introduction There are different strategies organizations use to deal with business of managing a program. Moreover, program management is the process of managing several projects, often with the intention of improving an organizations performance based on planning, organizing, staffing, directing, budgeting, controlling, and evaluation. Managing an effective and efficient program means that leadership acknowledges the daily operations and implements order to maintain and organization. Briefly, on December 5, 2009, I meet with Mr. William Vazquez, Chief of the Low Energy Assistance program regarding managing this program. He was very resourceful and disseminated information. This section of the paper entails the structure of the how LIHEAP operates in terms of providing quality services to the public. Planning When planning for a new fiscal year, a detailed plan is submitted to the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS). This plan includes the District of Columbia’s code that designates Administration for Children and Families as the agency to administer the Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) for the District of Columbia and present information based on Assurance, Certification to the Assurances, Components Operated Under LIHEAP, Use of funds, Alternate Use of Crisis Assistance Funds Eligibility, Outreach Activities, Coordination and Benefit Levels: Equal Treatment and Determination of Benefits. This will provide in depth information for the Office of Budget management to distribute a sufficient amount of dollars in order to service as many individuals in need. The Governor of DC has delegated authority to make the assurances and certifications required as part of the LIHEAP application to the Executive Director of the DC Department of Health and Human Services. The detailed plan for future funding entails planning and administering of funds under the titled amount not to exceed 10 percent of the funds payable to such state under the title for the fiscal year. Also the state will pay from non-federal sources the remaining costs of planning of the program. So in the beginning of the fiscal year , LIHEAP provides such services at the local level, outreach and intake functions for crisis situations and heating and cooling assistance that is administered by additional State and local governmental entities or community-based organizations (such as community action agencies, area agencies on aging and not-for-profit neighborhood-based organizations), and in States where such organizations do not administer functions as of September 30, 1991, preference in awarding grants or contracts for intake services shall be provided to those agencies that administer the low-income weatherization or energy crisis intervention programs. However, LIHEAP plans to provide services that encourage and enable households to reduce their home energy needs and thereby the need for energy assistance, including needs assessments, counseling, and assistance with energy vendors, and report to the Secretary concerning the impact of such activities on the number of households served, the level of direct benefits provided to those households, and the number of households that remain unserved. The federal government strategically plans and set guidelines for the program. In planning for worst case scenarios and state emergencies, management combines different approaches, urban and regional, crisis management and rational Organizing and Leadership LIHEAP use a cross-functional team approach; employees from various departments meet as a team and resolve problems regarding civilians in need of energy assistance. The division maintains organization by using a matrix system. What helps distinguish who is eligible for the program is the guidelines. Cutomers’ information is in a particular database for tracking. Quarterly, data is retrieved from the system to calculate for future statistics and to maintain order. Leadership in the department comes from Keith Anderson, Director of Energy, following the chief of each division. Mr. Anderson gives directions to the chiefs and they implement each task throughout each division. Below is LIHEAP organizational chart. Organizational Structure of LIHEAP and Public Health Service Director of Energy Mr. Keith Anderson Chief of LIHEAP Mr. William Vazquez Chief of SEU Ms. Teresa Lawrence CAC Ward One ________________________________________ COC Ward Two ________________________________________ CAC Ward Three ________________________________________ CAC Ward Four ________________________________________ CAC Ward Five ________________________________________CAC Ward Six ________________________________________CAC Ward Seven ________________________________________ Chief of Weatherization Menda Richardson Intake workers(15) ________________________________________Staff Assistant Mr. Keith Anderson- Has a strong background in Finance and was recently promoted from chief of LIHEAP to the Director of Energy. Mr. William Vazquez- is responsible for proving low-income families with energy assistance o Intake workers- checks the eligibility of customers using a matrix system Mrs. Teresa Lawrence- is responsible for the sustainable energy utility programs Mrs. Menda Richardson- is the responsible for home visits and weatherize those in need Leadership Mr. Anderson, Director of Department of Energy sets realistic standards, encouraging efficient, productive performance, sets direction, organizes, encourages, inspires, and motivates others to do what needs to be done for the benefit of the department and overall institution. Also he is assertive and self confident in a tactful and positive manner in the discharge of his responsibilities. LIHEAP reinvents its organizational chart less frequent then other organization. They have a great over turn rate. Majority of employees remain with this division for a numerous years and some exceed 15 to 20 years; it varies. Staffing and Personnel Employers understand their requirements for hiring new employees. Specifically, LIHEAP want employees to know and understand the responsibilities for the specific job. Next, the position is advertised, current employees are entitled to apply, resumes are screen, candidates are interviewed, and candidates are selected based on the criteria. Majority of LIHEAP staff are civilians. During the hiring process, human resource management and superiors look for specific qualities. Mainly, employees are hired based on competency of computer skills, they are also trained and must sustain a level of sufficient experience they must be competent, and computer literate. In taker’s job description entails using the matrix system that is software on the computer. Potential candidates must rank high in the personality dimension and emotional intelligence section. After employed, management take approaches to motivate and promote growth within the organization. They monitor employee performanc e, appraise mid-year performance, determine the outcomes of performance ratings, reward excellence, determine how to manage poor performance and keep records. Budget, Control, Evaluations The U.S. House of Representatives Committee on Appropriations began the process of working on the spending guidelines for the federal government for fiscal year 2010, which begins on October 1, 2009. The Subcommittee on Labor, Health and Human Services, Education and Related Agencies marked up the appropriations bill in its jurisdiction on July 10. The Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) has received a funding level of $5.1 billion, the maximum allocation allowed by law and the same level of funding with which the program operated in FY 2009. The basic grant would receive $4.5 billion, and $590.3 million would be available in emergency contingency funds. The basic grant would be allocated as follows: $3.669 billion would be allocated under the Tier 1 part of the formula and $839.9 million by the Tier 2 and Tier 3 parts. Like FY 2009, the program will continue to allow states to use an eligibility ceiling of 75% of state median income; however, unlike FY 2009, the funds will not be required to be completely distributed 30 days after enactment of the bill. On July 17, the Committee on Appropriations held a markup and adopted the legislation. The legislation, with the LIHEAP provisions included, then passed out of the House on July 24, and was sent to the Senate. In the Senate, the legislation passed out of the Labor, Health and Human Services, and Education Appropriations Subcommittee on July 28, and then out of the Appropriations Committee on July 30 with the same LIHEAP provisions as in the House version. The legislation will be taken up by the Senate as a whole in September. Although the House of Representatives succeeded in passing the Labor, HHS and Education appropriations bill, as well as the other 11 spending bills, before the August recess, the Senate has only passed four bills. Due to the remaining amount of work, it is expected that a stop-gap spending bill will be introduced when Congress returns from the August recess to ensure that the federal government runs passed the September 30, 2009 deadline. It is unsure as to how long an initial Continuing Resolution will last, or how many will be required. There is also a possibility of an omnibus spending bill if the Senate is unable to complete its work or if there are complications in any conferences that may need to be held between the two chambers of Congress on any of the bills. A breakout chart provided by the National Energy Assistance Directors Association (NEADA) that states how the grant money would be distributed to the states based on the House legislation can be found at FY 2009 was the first year that the LIHEAP program was funded at its full appropriations level. Due to the level of allocated funds, LIHEAP was not a beneficiary of the stimulus bill at the beginning of the year. The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act did not include additional funds for LIHEAP; instead, Congress decided that this program would be best served through the traditional appropriations process. The program is evaluated by contractors and subordinates are evaluated quarterly and yearly on performance. Human resources developed a new computerized system especially for evaluations. The E system measure the performance of intake processes. After assuring that performance elements and standards are understandable and fair employees and supervisors will sign the Position Description and Performance Plan Certification of the PMR. The approving supervisor, who is generally a level above the immediate supervisor, signs stating that the Position Description and Performance is accurate. Employees are monitored in a variety of ways by holding periodic meetings to be updated on employee progress. Within 30 days of the mid-point of the performance cycle, the supervisor must initial a formal, face-to face progress review with each employee. Conclusion The Low Energy Assistance Program is available is assist eligible low-income families with many barriers due to the increase in energy prices and there are executing the policy proficiently. Many citizens are being helped with expensive Pepco and Washington Gas utility bills. Now that many legislative acts have been passed, citizens that are mobile inclined and low-income recipients, some forms of assistance will remain available. Throughout each state, LIHEAP programs will include: financial assistance towards a household’s energy bill, emergency assistance if a household’s home energy service is shut off or about to be shut off and a range of other energy-related services that states may choose to offer, such as weatherization improvements, utility equipment repair and replacement, and budgeting counseling. Work Cited 1973 Oil Embargo. Http://, 15 Oct. 2009. Web. 27 Oct. 2009. . Wolfe, Mark. LIHEAP Brief Issue. National Energy Assistance Directors Association, Nov. 2007. Web. Oct. 2009. . LIHEAP Summary. Low Energy Assistance Program, 27 Feb. 2008. Web. 25 Oct. 2009. . Vazquez, Willie, District Department of Environment; Energy Division, 12/4/2009 Research Papers on Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program Case StudyThe Effects of Illegal ImmigrationDefinition of Export QuotasTwilight of the UAWInfluences of Socio-Economic Status of Married Males19 Century Society: A Deeply Divided EraAppeasement Policy Towards the Outbreak of World War 2Marketing of Lifeboy Soap A Unilever ProductAssess the importance of Nationalism 1815-1850 EuropeQuebec and CanadaBionic Assembly System: A New Concept of Self

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Linking Your Ideas in English With Discourse Markers

Linking Your Ideas in English With Discourse Markers Some words and phrases help to develop ideas and relate them to one another. These kinds of words and phrases are often called discourse markers. Note that most of these discourse markers are formal and used when speaking in a formal context or when presenting complicated information in writing. with regard to /regarding / as regards / as far as is concerned / as for These expressions focus attention on what follows in the sentence. This is done by announcing the subject in advance. These expressions are often used to indicate a change of subject during conversations.   His grades in science subjects are excellent. As regards humanities †¦With regard to the latest market figures we can see that ...Regarding our efforts to improve the local economy, we have made ...As far as I am concerned, we should continue to develop our resources.As for Johns thoughts, lets take a look at this report he sent me. on the other hand /while / whereas These expressions give expression to two ideas which contrast but do not contradict each other. While and whereas can be used as subordinating conjunctions to introduce contrasting information. On the other hand should be used as an introductory phrase of a new sentence connecting information. Football is popular in England, while in Australia they prefer cricket.Weve been steadily improving our customer service center. On the other hand, our shipping department needs to be redesigned.Jack thinks were ready to begin whereas Tom things we still need to wait. however /nonetheless / nevertheless All these words are used to begin a new sentence which  contrasts two  ideas. These words are often used to show the something is true despite not being a good idea.   Smoking is proved to be dangerous to the health. Nonetheless, 40% of the population smokes.Our teacher promised to take us on a field trip. However, he changed his mind last week.Peter was warned not to invest all of his savings in the stock market. Nevertheless, he invested and lost everything. moreover /furthermore / in addition We use these expressions to add information to what has been said. The usage of these words is much more elegant than just making a list or using the conjunction and. His problems with his parents are extremely frustrating. Moreover, there seems to be no easy solution to them.I assured him that I would come to his presentation. Furthermore, I also invited a number of important representatives from the local chamber of commerce.Our energy bills have been increasing steadily. In addition to these costs, our telephone costs have doubled over the past six months. therefore /as a result / consequently These expressions show that the second statement follows logically from the first statement. He reduced the amount of time studying for his final exams. As a result, his marks were rather low.Weve lost over 3,000 customers over the past six months. Consequently, we have been forced to cut back our advertising budget.The government has drastically reduced its spending. Therefore, a number of programs have been canceled. Check our understanding of these discourse markers with this short quiz. Provide an appropriate discourse marker in the gap.   Weve done a great job on the grammar. ______________ listening, Im afraid we still have some work to do.__________ Americans tend to eat quickly and leave the table, Italians prefer to linger over their food.  The company will introduce three new models next spring. __________, they expect profit to rise considerably.  He was excited to go to the movies. ____________, he knew that he needed to finish studying for an important exam.She warned him repeatedly not to believe everything he said. __________, he continued believing him until he found out that he was a compulsive liar.  We need to consider every angle before we begin. _________, we should speak with a number of consultants on the matter.   Answers With regard to / Regarding / As regards / As forwhile / whereasTherefore / As a result / ConsequentlyHowever / Nonetheless / NeverthelessOn the other handIn addition / Moreover / Furthermore

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Gender Representation in the Mass Media Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Gender Representation in the Mass Media - Essay Example There are different accounts on how the media makes a representation of women in society through different films in form of documentaries and movies. This is depicted through characters played by women in this movies and documentaries. This study aims at analyzing the representation of women in Legally Blonde with an analysis of the different gender representation of women by the documentaries the Independent Woman and The Merchants of Cool. The Independent Woman The Independent Woman by PBS is a documentary that analyzes the changes in women roles in American television. It traces how there have been changes in the television particularly analyzing how television has represented gender roles. The Independent Woman uses interviews and characterization to bring about the different roles played by women to show the changes in gender representation. The independent Woman gives the role of women as having developed to complex and at times controversial in terms of the characters women ac t and the roles they play. The documentary portents that the days of women being portrayed in a white apron cooking and as house maids are long gone and taken over by further complex and fascinating roles. The documentary makes use of a number of movies with all depicting women as independent, a change from the traditional depiction of women. Independent Woman interviews television stars and producers including Roseanne Barr who acted in â€Å"Roseanne†, Candice Bergen in â€Å"Murphy Brown† Felicity Huffman and Eva Longoria in ‘Desperate Housewives. Felicity Huffman believes that the portrayal of women is about creativity â€Å"as it pertains to television and how it gets to be created†. She acted as Lynette Scavo in Desperate House wives where she breaks up with her husband Tom and contends that motherhood can be hard. This is the first evidence as Lynette is portrayed as having been more independent after the breakup and was able to make her on judgment and decisions. Julian Marguilles, Robert, and Michelle King in the â€Å"Good Wife† are also interviewed. Julianna Marguilles, in Good Wife, struggles to juggle being a mother, working, maintaining a relationship and keep her integrity. James Brooks and Mary Tyler Moore in â€Å"The Mary Tyler Moore Show† and Shonda Rhimes and Sandra Oh of â€Å"Greys Anatomy† were interviewed in the Independent Woman. The other evidence given are the views of actors, producers, influential people in the television industry, creators, and writers giving their insights on their shows, roles and the main topic on the female portray of women on television. The main reasons for the interviews were to get the opinions from the producers and characters as they give to the life to these characters for the benefit of viewers who identify with the character. The conclusion on the independent women is that the portrayal of women by the media has been changing over history. The change is given as the portrayal of women as independent and equal to men. The Merchants of Cool The documentary, The Merchants of Cool, mainly deals with the commercialization of youth’s culture by marketers through studying their culture and amplified then sold back to them through a reverse loop. It documents the actions of manufacturers and advertisers in ensnaring the youth to purchase their products by making them use these items popular culture hence, augmenting the level of consumption of these products by the youth. The Merchant of Cool presents the idea that the people have the idea that others are good looking or trendy, hence the need for them to purchase for them to fit in the group. The other way the marketers and the media

Friday, October 18, 2019

Changes in Leadership and CEO Succession slp Assignment

Changes in Leadership and CEO Succession slp - Assignment Example It had all worked out very well and everybody was used to the way things were being run for the last twenty years. This was also possible because the company had been only manufacturing one product. With time, however, the company branched into other products and the company grew bigger putting a strain on the finance department to perform both roles of human resource and finance as it had always done. Tensions started between departments and the finance office due to delays in processing as the department was understaffed. There were delays in supply procurement, staff requests and other general work requirements. In hindsight, these issues could have been solved very amicably through adding more staff to the department and assigning the different responsibilities to individual persons in the department. Unfortunately, the finance department as a unit took the many complaints against it as an all out war set out to discredit the department when the matter was raised at a general sta ff meeting. The finance department developed very fierce hostility towards all the other departments in the company. The senior management of the company put the finance director on a six-month compulsory leave pending investigations. He refused to comply with the decision and reported as usual to the office refusing to hand over anything. His contract was terminated and, the department was divided into two departments. This was the human resource and finance departments with two new mangers to led them. Nearly everybody was happy with the management’s decision to remove the finance director. However, there was a lot of confusion and quite a number of crises that surrounded that action. It would have worked out better for the management if they had worked out the changes needed in the company after the Lewin’s model of organizational change and transition (Lippitt, 1958). The company would have had time to weigh the pros and

Law School Personal Statement Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Law School - Personal Statement Example This story of my past has always been the inspiration for my future, and the farther I look backward, the farther forward I am able to see and to proceed. Therefore, it is optimistic vision of life and the ability to look forward that helped me reach a higher status in life, and, today, I own a million dollar business and investments. In spite of my low beginnings, I have always persisted with the goal to become an attorney in life and have been successful to the date as I have completed my B.S. (Criminal Justice) in May 2008 from Virginia University. My unwavering aspiration for the career of an attorney has guided me here and I am definite about the way ahead to the attainment of my ultimate goal and success in life. I strongly believe that my person has been the creation of my past, and whatever I have grown to become or will ever reach to attain in my life is the result of my pat experiences.

Thursday, October 17, 2019

I know why the caged bird sings(Author- Maya Angelou) Essay

I know why the caged bird sings(Author- Maya Angelou) - Essay Example This is through establishing broad vision of black women in the American culture. Based with her childhood life, Maya focuses on her effort and struggle to overcome restrictions that have been placed upon her in antagonistic environment. In order to escape from the traditional ways of life, she frequently asks questions, which are her strategic tools to shape her strength. This is relevant to women in the modern world since they are denied chances to express their opinion. However, their voices can lead to self empowerment thus relieving them from societal bondage (Angelou 18). Chapter 15 of the book features racism as another major issue in the society. This is depicted by Maya, who is a little Black girl brought up in a society where racism surrounds her. When Maya visits a dentist, he refuses to treat her indicating that he will rather lay his hand on his dog’s mouth than in Negro’s (Angelou 25). Racism in this book relates to the modern world where Africans are treated unequally in the American society. In Chapter 17, the author has used the life of an African American woman struggling to escape from the cruel and oppressive world. In this case, she depicts how racism has caused oppression of African Americans, thus preventing them from getting freedom and happiness in their lives. This portrays what African Americans faces in American society before they were granted full citizenship (Angelou

RELIGION, SCI-FI & FANTASY Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

RELIGION, SCI-FI & FANTASY - Essay Example These beliefs caused them to develop religions that worshipped these strange beings. These ancient civilizations worshiped many of these beings as gods. Most importantly, these religions formed doctrines and views about the cosmos based on their understanding of these beings. Pantheism, pluralism and universalism define these religions affecting the way its adherent’s process thought. In present day America and around the world, cults are using media such as television, movies and the Internet to manipulate the minds of people (Singer & Lalich, 1995). The Bible theory of creation is strictly creational, which makes it impossible to allow for speculation about the nature of the universe (Gen. 1-3). Other Abrahamic religions such as Islam and Judaism are also strictly creational in theology and therefore do not entertain the possibility of life forms existing beyond that which has been outlined in their holy books of revelation. The fascination with beings from other planets, a spiritual world in our own world, demons, angels, gods and the devil are as old as mankind. Human beings are social beings and this makes them gravitate towards the group’s ways of thinking (Kassin, Fein, & Marcus, 2013). This could be the reason why humans are in a constant search for other living beings in the universe even when it does not presently affect their lives on earth. The Aztec, Mayan, Egyptian and Hindu civilizations were very advanced and evolved in science as well as in the arts. They left depictions in their art and writings that closely resemble many of the extra-terrestrial beings that are the subjects of many science fiction works. The Bible condemns the idols and other deities as demons (Deut. 32:17; Ps. 106:37) The technology of making film has evolved exponentially especially with the advent of special effects technology, which have and

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

I know why the caged bird sings(Author- Maya Angelou) Essay

I know why the caged bird sings(Author- Maya Angelou) - Essay Example This is through establishing broad vision of black women in the American culture. Based with her childhood life, Maya focuses on her effort and struggle to overcome restrictions that have been placed upon her in antagonistic environment. In order to escape from the traditional ways of life, she frequently asks questions, which are her strategic tools to shape her strength. This is relevant to women in the modern world since they are denied chances to express their opinion. However, their voices can lead to self empowerment thus relieving them from societal bondage (Angelou 18). Chapter 15 of the book features racism as another major issue in the society. This is depicted by Maya, who is a little Black girl brought up in a society where racism surrounds her. When Maya visits a dentist, he refuses to treat her indicating that he will rather lay his hand on his dog’s mouth than in Negro’s (Angelou 25). Racism in this book relates to the modern world where Africans are treated unequally in the American society. In Chapter 17, the author has used the life of an African American woman struggling to escape from the cruel and oppressive world. In this case, she depicts how racism has caused oppression of African Americans, thus preventing them from getting freedom and happiness in their lives. This portrays what African Americans faces in American society before they were granted full citizenship (Angelou

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Research Project Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Project - Research Paper Example Some of the most renowned products are Johnson’s baby products, facial wash clean and clear, Tylenol medications, Acurve contact lenses, as well as Neutrogena skin and beauty products etc. The company is planning to increase its market share and achieve the desired goals; for that matter, Johnson & Johnson analyzes its human resource management practices and policies in order to see which integral parts are performing well and what further improvements are required. This report audits the human resource management of Johnson and Johnson. HR Program aspects that seem to be performing well Employee diverse workforce: Johnson & Johnson has workforce from all parts of the world, speaking different languages, sharing different faith, religion, knowledge visions, customs and culture. This workforce is more than 115,000 employees who share different academic and educational qualification as well. The educational background varies from low level worker to highly qualified PhD scientis ts. (Foster and Kaplan, 2001, p.232) Johnson & Johnson credo being the precipitating factor for swift managing of this workforce and is also a reason behind its success. The workforce may differ in values and beliefs but the company’s credo ethical values seem to bind them as one unit which leads Johnson & Johnson towards success as a single collective workforce unit. Policy towards labor laws and regulations Johnson & Johnson labor laws have these main agendas: The minimum age to qualify for working at Johnson & Johnson is 16 and those who are 18 or under are not allowed to work more than 48 hours in a week. Giving proper rest to workers during work day and avoid maximum working hours for workers in order to maintain safety. Labor prison should be avoided in terms of bonded or forced manipulations of workers. Proper knowledge should be given to workers about the daily or hourly wages, if extra hours are required then, extra hour wages should be disclosed to worker before ini tiating work. Respects the rights of the workers and their decisions of joining or not joining the organization. No discrimination in terms of gender, health, religion etc. Respect the right of workers to bargain in a collective manner without illegal or collective manner. Threats in terms of brutal and sexual harassments should be avoided. The balancing work and family program: Johnson & Johnson started to make efforts for creating a balance in work and family program after taking an inspiration from a credo survey, which revealed the deficiency in commitment of Johnson & Johnson towards work and family program. As a result, balancing work and family program was put to practice. Learning services group: Learning services group was designed to assist operating units regarding workforce performance and towards the adaptability and adjustment of Johnson & Johnson culture. The main aim of this group is to offer quality management and help units to achieve quality and high standard prod ucts (Johnson & Johnson b). The live for life program: The desire of Johnson & Johnson is to have strong and healthiest workers in the world leads toward the idea of live for life. The program merely focuses on exercise, nutrition, stress control and non smoking assistance. Various programs were introduced which offered health and fitness awareness and issues related to health. (Johnson & Johnson a) Training and development with reference to the concept of i- lead: In order to get the

The Day My Life Changed forever Essay Example for Free

The Day My Life Changed forever Essay I had been awaiting her arrival for a long 9 months. Saying I was over ridden with joy was an untruth I was afraid to bare, So I put on a smile and pretended that the arrival of my first child was going to be a good experience. Truth be told I knew my life was about to change forever and I wasnt sure I was going to be a good mother. All these doubts running through my mind was almost draining out the pain of the inconsistent contractions in my belly, my head started spinning a little with the what ifs and possibilities of failure heightened by the anticipation of my Daughters arrival. I felt so alone even though I was surrounded by my family, I knew better than anyone that this burden would be mine alone, to bare for a lifetime. It was October 4th 2006 about 6:30 pm when the first contraction started. I was at home and had just got done eating dinner. It was the beginning of evening, and the sky was still bright from the sunset behind the mountains. The skies were almost clear with just a few clouds overhead. The house was calm and quiet, unlike the storm brewing inside my mind. Carried away and consumed in my own thoughts and fears, I almost didnt even notice the pain from the first contraction. I kept on with the clean up from dinner ignoring what I feared for more than 9 months, but when the second one came, my fear and knowledge of what was to come nearly consumed me. I immediately ignored the contractions and decided for a brief moment that it was gas and I was just imagining things. I decided that I would continue my house work and see how long I could go without informing my [then] husband. So I started to organize and straighten things in the house all the while my mind was going 300 miles per hour. I was consumed with worry and guilt because I knew that the truth of the situation was I was not ready to be a mother. I wanted more from my life then to just be a mother and a wife. I wanted a career, education, and experience, before I had to hand it all over and give up my freedom. It was a little too late for that now my Daughter was coming weather I liked it or not. I knew the contractions were not yet consistent so I hoped maybe this was just the pre-labor pains I was experiencing, and they would eventually subside and go away. I couldnt have been more wrong. My husband arrived home that evening around 8:30 pm and was exhausted from a long days work. He had been working two jobs lately to support us and prepare for the arrival of our baby. He sat defeatingly on the couch as if life had consumed him all day and he couldnt take one more bit of disappointing news. He looked so tired I didnt want to inform him of the long night I knew was ahead of us. His hair was disheveled, his face looked long and tired and his eyes were sad and dark. I wondered if our baby would look like him, maybe she would get this thick curly hair, or his tanned brown skin. Maybe she would have those big sad eyes with long eyelashes, or his cute rounded nose. I hope she had his smile. That is what I fell in love with, and those big beautiful sad eyes. Then maybe loving her would come easier. As I looked at my husband sitting on the couch nodding off to sleep, I almost didnt want to wake him and be the bearer of bad news. Let him sleep I thought he has had a hard day. These pains were becoming so intense I couldnt ignore them for much longer so I decided to time them before I disturbed him. I looked at the time and it was 8:45 pm. Here comes another, I held my breath and counted to 10, and then the pained eased, then ceased. I looked at the time, oh NO, it was 8:47 and here came another one. One two three, breath. I can’t keep this up much longer I think its time to tell him. I walked over and sat next to him on the couch, he opened his eyes and before I could say a word he noticed the tears in my eyes. †Whats wrong he asked? † with a look of worry on his face. I knew once I opened my mouth the truth was going to scare him so I thought I’d choose my words wisely to have a more positive effect, but before I could say anything the pain was back, and this time I closed my eyes and groaned, as my belly tightened. One two three, breath. I opened my eyes and the look of fear on his face was only there for a moment, he quickly smiled with excitement and asked if it was time. I told him yes and that I had been timing the contractions for about 15 mins and they were getting stronger and more consistent. He decided that we were going to the hospital and I called my best friend for a ride. After that everything became very chaotic. I wasn’t sure which was making me sick the pains from the contractions or the thought of everything that could go wrong. I was about to meet my child and was overcome with fear. I wondered why I wasn’t overjoyed, like other women described with their anticipation. Instead the fear and pain was starting to eat me alive. This burden I could not share with anyone, for fear of judgement. I couldn’t tell my best friend that I truly didnt want to be a mother and that I was sick with the idea of the responsibility. How was I supposed to reveal that this child growing inside of me was more of a burden than a blessing. What women would understand my feelings without judging me, or thinking I am a selfish women. I knew none of them understood because this was my duty as a wife and a woman. I felt guilty for wanting a different life and for thinking of my unborn child as a burden. An innocent life was about to be my responsibility and I wasnt ready. I wanted to scream and run away, this fear was too much. When my best friend arrived she was excited and happy. She was pregnant too and due three months from now. She kept saying we would remember this experience for a lifetime and how glad she was to be here with me for the birth of my first child. Her and my husband talked and and seemed very happy while we got things together to go to the hospital. I couldnt understand why I wasnt excited like them or happy that I was about to meet my first child. Instead my mind was going in circles trying to make sense of it all. All the different possibilities of how things could go wrong was scaring me more then anything else. I couldnt imagine How I could be happy at a time like this. Finally we were getting in the car. I started trying to calm my thoughts and counter them with rational thoughts, As the pain came and went the fear inside my mind stayed consistent and started to grow stronger. I could feel every bump on the road as if it were a bat beating against my pelvic bone. By the time we got to the hospital I was starting to cry. I wasnt sure if it was from the pains or if my fear and emotions had gotten the best of me, but it scared my husband and best friend so they started hurrying me out of the car. The hospital admitted me right away and got me in a birthing room quickly. The room was big and impressive for a hospital. It was very comfortable, there was a pink couch that ran against an entire wall. There was three green chairs for my guests and all of them reclined. The walls were painted blue, and wall papered with a pink blue and green contemporary design. My husband was really impressed with the 47 inch flat screen television on the wall with all the cable channels a man could want. There was large wooden storage cabinets that looked like an entertainment center urrounding the large TV on the wall. I had my own private bathroom with a jacuzzi bathtub. My favorite part was the oversized window with the view of the city. It felt more like a hotel room rather than a hospital birthing room. As I undressed and lie on the bed I keep thinking this is all happening too fast and I just want my mom. So my best friend decided to go pick her up. the doctor came in and checked my cervix to see how far I was dilated and informed me that I wasn barely at 2 cm. She asked if my water had broke yet, and I told her no. She said they would monitor me for a while but if my water didnt break then they would have to send me home. So I began to walk hoping it would increase my contractions and allow my water to break. My mother arrived quickly and gave me a great deal of comfort and reassurance. She rubbed me on the back and held my hand as we walked while she recounted the birth of my brothers and I. She told me how proud she was of me and that everything was going to work out just fine. She said that I was going to make such a great mother and went on and on about how my daughter would change my life as I had changed hers. Of course this made me feel even worse about my own thoughts and yet I still couldnt understand why I was feeling so selfish and scared about becoming a mother. We walked for a while and then my feet grew tired so my mother thought we could try a warm bath. So we went back to my room and I got in the bath in my room . We had been there for hours already and nothing seemed to be happening, I began to get frustrated with the progress of this event I was exhausted and wanted this to be over with already. The Doctor came in and checked again to see if I had dilated any more and I seemed to be at a standstill. The Doctor decided to send me home because I wasnt dilating. So I went home I was angry and frustrated and just wanted this to be over with a already I wasnt sure I could bear this pain for much longer but I knew this was involuntary and I just had to deal with it the way it was. We got home around 12:30am and decided to try and get some sleep I was so restless from the pain that I couldnt find a comfortable position to sleep tossing and turning over and over again I thought I might go crazy. I finally found a comfortable position and nodded off to sleep. I was sleeping for maybe and hour when a sharp pain woke me from my sleep. This contraction was more intense than the others but I wasnt sure it was going to make a difference. I lie there in my bed awake and still wondering if the pain would return, and sure enough it did . One two Three breath, I counted out loud and this time I felt the pain in my back as well. I knew these pains were different, and as I considered waking my husband to tell him, I felt a gush of water coming from between my legs. I quickly woke my husband up and told him â€Å"My water just broke†. He jumped up and ran to get the phone. We both knew that this time it was real. He called his mom to come get us and I got up and got dressed. I noticed as I was cleaning myself up that the water was green and had a funny smell. When I realized the seriousness of that I called to my husband. Went he came into the room and I showed his he didnt understand why, it could be a bad thing so I explained about women who go past their due date sometimes the baby defecates inside the womb and if the child ingests that bacteria I could be very dangerous to their health. I knew this because this happened to a friend of mine a few years before, her baby was very sickly for six months and then lost her battle when the infection took the childs life. Would this happen to my baby too I wondered? His mother arrived then and we started towards the door. Then the pain came again, One two three, breath. The pain increased so much that I was doubled over in tears. I was no extremely scared that my thoughts, doubts, and selfish thinking was going to cost my childs health. Now the guilt set in and I started praying. Oh Lord please dont let my baby be sick. I swear I will do the best I can if you just give me a good chance and a healthy baby. Please dear God hear my desperate plea. We arrived at the hospital again and this time I was in so much pain I asked for the epidural I couldnt do this naturally what was I thinking. I needed some pain medication because this was awful . The nurse came in to give me an IV. She poked me so many times that I started to cry again. She missed the vein three times and once she blew a bubble in my arm. I started yelling at her and asked for a different nurse. A new nurse came in and gave me and IV in her first try. I asked again for an epidural and the nurse checked to see how dilated I was. I was dilated to 4cm so she said she would call the anesthesiologist. The anesthesiologist came and had to put a long needle in my spine, to feed the medicine for the epidural. I had to sit really still and couldn’t move. Again I was scared but I felt much better holding on to my husband and my mom. After the medicine took effect I was feeling much better. The pain was now manageable and I could get some sleep. After an hour the Doctors came in to talk to me. They said that the epidural slowed my contractions and they wanted to give me a shot of pitocin to increase my contractions. I agreed and told them about the color when my water broke. They said they would keep a close eye on me and the baby. I decided to get some sleep. I was still scared of becoming a mother and was struggling with my thoughts of being selfish and worry of not being a good mother. But now the thoughts of worry had taken over and I was concerned for my childs health. I kept thinking that what if while we were waiting for my body to dilate my baby was getting sick inside me and I could be losing her. I thought of how selfish I had been throughout my pregnancy, and how I would feel if I had a sickly child or even worse a still born. My thoughts were running wild while my family sat around in the room sharing stories of love family and children. I couldnt help but envy them and their happiness. I wondered if I would ever have that happiness and share stories with my children like that. I feared I wouldnt instead that I would always be selfish and resent my life and wish for my freedom. The worst part was how could I expect my child to love me if I was a selfish women. Was I capable of being a good mother even though I was feeling so selfish and resentful. I layed there for about 7 hours with little progress in the labor. It had already been 24 hours since my first contraction and I was feeling a lot of pressure in my pelvic bone. I called for the Doctor and she said I was only dilated to 8cm and that I hadnt been dilating for three hours. I told her that I felt sick and wanted a c section. She strongly advised me against it. I insisted that something was wrong and if I was supposed to have the baby naturally that my body would still be dilating. She finally agreed and brought me the forms to sign. She told my family that only one person was allowed in the room with me because it was surgery. I picked my husband and she gave him a sterile gown to put on with a cap and gloves. This was it I was about to see my baby for the first time. I was scared and excited at the same time it was like a bittersweet feeling but I just wanted to meet her I was exhausted from the anticipation already and was really anxious. hey took me into the delivery room and strapped me to this board and put a curtain over me. I could feel them tugging and pulling my belly but it was numb so it was sort of like an out of body experience. I lay there asking over and over if everything was okay. My husband held my hand tightly and reassured me everything and fine. It felt like an eternity lying there not knowing if she was going to be alright or if my thoughts had caused something to go badly or if I was going to have a sick baby. They called my husband to go cut the umbilical cord and I just laid there in what felt like purgatory, and seemed like an eternity . Then I saw them take her over to the pediatric table and she wasnt crying yet I started crying because I hadnt heard her cry yet I thought something was wrong. Just as I was asking if she was ok I heard her cry. Tears of relief streamed down my face. They cleaned her up and my husband brought her over to me to see her. She was beautiful, she had dark black hair cute little brown slanted eyes like mine , big chubby cheeks and her daddys nose. I fell in love with her immediately and all the worry and selfish thoughts were gone. She was an angel and God sent her to me. It took awhile for me to recovery and be able to hold her but once she was in my arms I couldnt let her go. I knew that being a good mother to her would be the most significant thing I could ever do in my entire life. I promised myself that day that no matter what feelings I have I was going to be the best mother I could possibly be to her. I would always put her first even when I didnt want to and I would always make sure she is safe and loved. That day My life changed. That Day I went from being a selfish women to being a mother of a beautiful little girl . She will always be one the best thing that ever happened to me.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Indias Energy Security Concerns and Its Implications

Indias Energy Security Concerns and Its Implications CHAPTER-I INTRODUCTION 1. Indias economy undeniably, is on a roll. However the parallel energy discourse, sadly, moves at a slow pace, lacking in requisite agility and momentum. If India is to secure its interests in a more healthy manner, its energy discourse must keep pace qualitatively and quantitatively, in concept and in execution, with its economic flight. There is indeed a need to take an analytical look at the entire paradigm of Indias energy security and critically examine whether or not it is appropriately poised and try and to identify the necessary correctives that will help propel the Indian economy along its growth trajectory. 2. A UNDP report defined energy security as the continuous availability of energy in varied forms, in sufficient quantities and at reasonable prices. For India, the Parikh Committee report stated that a country is energy secure when it can supply energy to all its citizens and meet their demand for safe and convenient energy at affordable costs, at all times, with a set confidence level, considering shocks and disruptions that can be expected. It is the, affordable rather than reasonable source of energy that any country would like to have. While describing the concern over Energy Security three major reasons come to mind as far India is concerned: (a) To achieve the aimed domestic economic growth rate of 7-9% energy security is an absolute necessity. (b) High overall global demand and limited supply constraints are continuously pushing up oil and gas prices to higher and higher limits. (c) With Energy supply constraints, there is tremendous international competition to secure the scarce energy resources. 3. Energy is paramount for the sustained economic growth of our country and to fulfil our aspirations of becoming a true Global Power. High projected economic growth rate call for greater availability of reliable and cheaper energy. India and Chinas energy demand growth is unfolding in the midst of a perfect storm: economic, geopolitical, and environmental factors are combining to create new challenges, pressures, opportunities and alliance. Furthermore economical per capita energy consumption (through better governance and distribution mechanism) and access to cheaper energy will help in reduction of energy poverty which is a key development goal for any country. In search of oil and gas these, countries are exhibiting a hunger for energy resources, which has resulted in establishing new ties in South East Asia, in Africa and in Central Asia. 4. It has been seen on various occasion, that these countries are been pitted against each other and this competition has given rise to concerns about the potential for re-emergence of conflict over energy resources. A fallout of this has been a realization by the West of the new geopolitics that endangers the global security and a realization by South Asian, Middle East and Africa countries of the attractiveness of Asia as an alternative market to Europe and the US. On another front, climate change and the links it has with energy and energy choices are also creating significant pressure for low-carbon economy paths for these emerging new economies, adding yet another restraint to energy choices and a new geopolitical dimension. METHODOLOGY Hypothesis 5. China has sought to gain strategic advantage over India in South Asia not only militarily but also through securing energy recourses by progressively making Indias neighbors dependent on China to a large extent for their defence supplies and other economic goodies . Chinese aid to Islamabad , Bangladesh , Sri Lanka and Myanmar is designed to lock India in a low-level deterrent relationship with its immediate neighbors and keep India confined to the sub-continent. The expansion of Chinese influence into Myanmar provides China, the potential to deploy their sea power in the Bay of Bengal, in Indias sensitive areas of maritime interest and to eventually pose a direct threat to Indias eastern seaboard. Also, China is competing for foreign investments and markets in these countries for their products in the next 15 to 20 years to achieve economic marginalization of India. The close relations between China and Myanmar also pose a threat to overall Indian security and economic interests in the Bay of Bengal region. 6. China has been providing military, economic and infrastructure support to these South Asian countries with a long term interest in mind. By providing this support, China aims to secure energy resources for its growing economy, build better relations with its neighbours, and gain a foothold in the South/South East Asian region. 7. Another aspect of Chinas interest in Indias neighbors could be simply be to support to its growing economy. China is aiming to quadruple its per capita GDP by 2020. This would imply an average annual economic growth of 7.2% till 2020. In order to attain this, China will have to keep meeting the enormous appetite of its energy. Thus, the Chinas interest may purely be to strengthen its economy with or without any malicious intentions towards India. However India can afford not be complacent with Chinas intentions if she wants to maintain a safe and secure scenario in South Asia for its own economic and social development. Statement of Problem 8. Are Indias future energy need concerns justified and what is its affect on the South Asias overall security scenario in the backdrop of Chinas aggressive quest for energy in the South Asian region . Justification of the Study 9. Energy crisis is a situation in which the nation suffers from a interruption of energy supplies, coupled by rapidly increasing energy prices that threaten economic and national security. The threat to economic security is represented by the possibility of declining economic growth, increasing inflation, rising unemployment, and losing billions of dollars in investment. The threat to national security is represented by the inability of the government to exercise various foreign policy options, especially in regard to countries with substantial oil reserves. 10. China and India are two rapidly growing economies. Chinas real GDP growth has shown a sustained growth of 8-9%. India too has shown an impressive growth. Both these countries are also one of the most populous in the world. China is the third largest importer of oil behind US and Japan whereas India is the fifth largest consumer in the world. The Energy hunger of India and China is already pushing oil and gas resources to its limits its their own countries. Both these countries also cannot afford any disruption to their energy supplies. 11. India, will face an energy crisis, if there is any disruption in the energy flow, either by war, terrorist strikes on oil production platform or blockage of SLOCs, resulting in increasing oil price. It is therefore imperative to understand the steps taken by India to ensure Energy security, especially in the backdrop of Chinas aggressive quest to secure its energy supplies in the South / South East Asian region and the growing ties between China and Myanmar. Scope 12. The study will discuss the energy forecast of India and China up to 2030 and the availability of energy resources in the world and South /South East Asia( With special reference to Myanmar ) . Having considered the energy resources available, it will explore the way and means adopted by both these countries to secure their energy resources and transportation without challenging each other and affecting the overall security scenario in South Asian region. Method of data collection 13. The source of data collection is Defence Services Staff College Library and Internet . The bibliography is appended at the end. Organisation of Dissertation 14. The study is carried out in the following sequence: (a) Energy requirements for India and China. (b) Indias efforts to secure energy supplies and the importance of Myanmar (China – Myanmar relations). (c) Indias initiatives in Bay of Bengal region to secure energy sources and maintain regional harmony. (d) The way ahead (Importance of cooperation with neighbouring countries for regional peace in South Asia). (e) Conclusion. CHAPTER-II ENERGY REQUIRMENT F OR INDIA A ND CHINA Indias Energy Quest 1. The Hydrocarbon Vision 2025, published by the Government of India in the month of February 2001[1], set out in very clear terms, Indias energy security dilemma : its crude oil self-sufficiency declined from 63% in 1989/90 to 30% in 2000/01. In 2024/25, crude oil self-sufficiency was expected to be a mere 15%. The situation relating to gas was equally grim. From 49 BCM (billion cubic metres) in 2006/07, Indias demand for gas is expected to rise to 125 BCM in 2024/25. As against this, production from existing fields and discoveries was 52 BCM, leaving a gap of 75 BCM to be filled through new domestic discoveries and from imports. The electric power sector was projected to account for 71% of the total incremental growth in Indias natural gas demand from 2000 to 2025. Indias installed power capacity at present is based on coal (59%), hydropower (26%), gas (10%), and nuclear (2%). In the period up to 2025, the share of gas in the energy mix would be 20%. The Integrated Energy Policy (I EP) document prepared by the Planning Commission, in August 2006, under the Chairmanship of Mr Kirit Parikh, takes a holistic view of Indias energy requirements up to 2031/32. The report postulates that, in order to reach growth rates of 8% per annum up to 2031/32, the country needs to do the following: (a) Increase primary energy supply by three to four times. (b) Expand electricity generation capacity by five to six times from the 2003/04 levels, that is, power generation capacity must increase from the current 160,000 MW (megawatt) to nearly 800,000 MW by 2031/322[2] . 2. Taking into account power and other commercial requirements, the report suggests that Indias primary commercial energy requirement (in million tonnes) would be as given in as following[3] : (a) Primary commercial energy requirement (million tones) . 3. The place of gas in the energy mix between 2006/7 and 2031/32 is projected as given as following[4]: (a) Energy mix (million tones) . 4. To reach its growth targets, India would need to hunt all available fuel options and energy sources, conventional and non-conventional. However, the current position with respect to specific energy resources is also to be noted. Presently, Indias energy mix is: coal and lignite 50%; oil and gas 45%; hydropower 2%, and nuclear 1.5%. In 2022, fossil fuels will continue to dominate Indias energy mix to the extent of 75%, with hydropower providing 14%, and nuclear power 6.5%. Even the proponents of nuclear power have noted that, most optimistically, nuclear energy will provide only 8.8% in Indias energy mix in 2032, as against 76% for fossil fuels, and 12% for hydropower. In 2052, when nuclear energy is likely to be 16.4% of our energy mix, coal is expected to be 40%; hydrocarbons 35%; and hydropower 5.1%[5] . 5. The IEP report has looked at different international scenarios pertaining to coal and gas. Its conclusion is unambiguous. Any supply strategy over the coming decades will have to emphasize Indias major resource, that is, coal. Coal is the most abundant domestically available primary energy resource other than thorium and solar. In the coal-based development scenario, the total demand for coal increases from 172 MTOE (million tonnes of oil equivalent) in 2004/05 to 1022 TOE in 2031/32. Measured in MT of Indian coal with 4000 kcal/kg (kilocalories per kilogram), the requirement of coal will thus increase from 406 MT in 2004/05 to 2555 MT in 2031/327 [6]. Chinas Energy Requirments 6. Before analyzing the Chinese forays in Energy markets South Asia , a basic question needs to be answered ,Why China? .The answer lies in the fact that India and China share many similarities. The countries are located in the same geographical area and are amongst the worlds most populated countries. They are the fastest growing economies in the world and are dependent on oil imports to fuel their economic growth. The way China has jump started its economic growth holds some important lessons that can be learnt. 7. The main reason fuelling Chinas aggressive forays into the energy markets are Chinas economic growth which has led to a near doubling of oil consumption in China. The average growth rate has been between 8-10% in the last decade . At this pace of economic growth, the Gross Domestic Product is expected to reach four times of its present value to 4.7 trillion dollars by year 2020 [7] . This high rate of growth has been fuelled by growth in heavy industries which will increase the demand for energy by 150% in the next decade. The near doubling of oil consumption is also partly fuelled by the fact that there is a high requirement of petro-chemical products in heavy industries and an increase in automobile growth in China. This has led to an increase of 7.5% in oil demand every year. Competition to Access Oil Resources in South / South East Asia 8. The oil situation emerging in South/ South East Asia is further complicated by the ongoing tussle between China and India to secure their own energy supplies in this region. The stiff competition is mainly because of two reasons, firstly the countries are amongst the fastest growing economies and secondly they lack in sufficient domestic energy sources and are net importers of oil. The two nations are resorting to efforts, both in the diplomatic and economic spheres. These efforts include forging new diplomatic alliances, high profile diplomatic visits, financial aid to the South Asian countries and investments in economic sectors like infrastructure, telecom and mineral extraction and resource development etc. 9. The state oil companies at the same time, are involved in deals in the oil and gas sectors purchasing stakes in oil fields which are already producing oil or are being explored, exchanging the know how in return for oil and participating in exploratory efforts to discover new oil and gas finds in the region . India is learning from the Chinese efforts in these fields as they have a head start over us in this area and have been quite successful in their efforts to secure their energy supplies. Both India and China are looking towards SriLanka, Bangladesh and Mayanmar for oil and Gas. Chinese Forays 10. China is not only a major energy consumer, but also a major producer with a high degree of self-reliance. In 2008, Chinas energy production reached 2.06 billion tonnes of standard coal and the consumption was 2.22 billion tonnes, ranking the second both in terms of production and consumption with a self-sufficiency of 93%. Coal is the primary source of energy for China and oil comes the second. While meeting the domestic demand, China exports 60–80 MT (million tonnes) of coal every year and is a main exporter of coal and charcoal in the world (even to India). Chinas power generation capacity in 2008-09 was the second largest only after that of USA. China produced over 182 MT of petroleum and 54 BCM (billion cubic metres) of natural gas. 11. To fulfil its growing appetite for energy, China is aggressively pursuing various energy resources. Chinese companies are involved in acquisition of oil companies, buying oil fields and purchasing partnerships in oil fields that are being developed. China is pursuing a multi dimensional approach which is a mix of diplomatic and economic efforts. One of the main thrust of Chinas oil policy is towards Asia and Africa. The importance of Africa countries to China can be appreciated from the fact that the trade between these is expected to rise many fold by the years to come . As part of its Go West policy, China is also accessing the Central Asian Region. It has plans to build pipelines from Tarim Basin in China to Kazakhstan and Turkmenistan in order to import oil and gas. In 2004, construction began on a pipeline from North West Kazakhstan to Xinjiang to carry oil. Chinese influence in the Central Asian Republics can be gauged from the fact that these republics now subscribe to the Chinese view on a multi polar world, and its views on various regional and international issues like Tibet, Taiwan etc. CHAPTER-III INDIAS EFFORTS TO SECURE ENERGY SUPPLIES AND THE IMPORTANCE OF MYANMAR 1. India Hydrocarbon Vision 2025 document as discussed earlier had given considerable importance to the role of gas in the energy mix to realize the projected national growth rates. This may be is primarily because though we may be having a large deposits of coal however the domestically produced coal has very high ash and sulphur content and is of very low calorific value . The coal utilized in the country has 4000 kcal/kg as against 6000 kcal/kg available in imported coal. In fact, the coal used in the Indian power plants has a calorific of value 3500 kcal/kg. Large estimates of total coal reserves do give a false sense of security because current and future technologies will convert only a small portion of the total reserves into a mineable category. Owing to all these reasons the govt has started looking towards new sources of energy supply so as to have a requisite amount of strategic energy reserve [8]. 2. There have been several large natural gas finds in India over the last five years, predominantly in the offshore Bay of Bengal (Krishna Godavari region). The discoveries also fit into the recent trend of large upstream developments in the Bay of Bengal, especially in the Krishna Godavari basin. Gujarat State Petroleum Corporation (GSPC) holds an estimated 20 Tcf of natural gas reserves in the Krishna Godavari area [9]. ONGC has worked to maximize its recovery rate at the Mumbai High, which supplies the bulk of the countrys natural gas at present. Transnational Pipeline to meet India s needs 3. Iran-Pakistan-India Pipeline . India has considered various proposals for international pipeline connections with other countries. One such scheme is the Iran-Pakistan-India (IPI) Pipeline, which has been under discussion since early nineties (1994). The plan calls for a roughly 1,700-mile, 2.8-Bcf/d pipeline to run from the South Pars fields in iran to the Indian state of Gujarat [11]. 4. Turkmenistan-Afghanistan-Pakistan-India Pipeline . India has shown interest to join onto the Turkmenistan-Afghanistan-Pakistan pipeline. The TAP project consists of 1,500-mile pipeline originating in Turkmenistans Dauletabad – Donmex natural gas fields and transporting the fuel to markets in Afghanistan, Pakistan, and to India. Initial plans for the TAP call for the line to have a capacity between 2-4Bcf/d at an estimated cost of $3.4 billion. While India has publicly promoted this scheme while negotiations with Iran have slowed, the TAPI(India) project faces a variety of hurdles. India has concerns about the security of the proposed line, which would traverse unstable regions in Afghanistan and Pakistan. Furthermore, a recent review of the TAPI project raised doubts whether the Turkmen natural gas supplies are sufficient to meet its proposed export commitments. 5. Imports from Myanmar . A third international pipeline proposal envisions India importing natural gas from Myanmar. In March 2006, the governments of India and Myanmar signed a natural gas supply deal, although a specific pipeline route has yet to be determined. Initially, the two countries planned to build a pipeline that would cross Bangladesh. However, after indecision from Bangladeshi authorities over the plans, India and Myanmar have studied the possibility of building a pipeline that would terminate in the eastern Indian state of Tripura and not cross Bangladeshi soil at all. Let us now discuss the impotence of Myanmar and see as to why is it so relevant in the overall energy game. GEO-STRATEGIC LOCATION OF MYANMAR Geographic Loc 6. Myanmar shares common borders with five countries Bangladesh 193 km, China 2,185 km, India 1,463 km, Laos 235 km, and Thailand 1,800 km. India dominates Myanmars western borders, just as China dominate its north-eastern borders. Thailand borders the entire eastern part of Myanmar except for narrow strip that borders Laos. And this makes Myanmar a strategic land bridge linking South, and Southeast Asia [12]. 7. As a littoral of the Indian Ocean, Myanmars strategic value further increases. Its 1930 km long coastline dominates the eastern arch of the Bay of Bengal, leaning on to the Malacca Strait. Thus Myanmar provides China the shortest land and sea access to South Asia, just as it provides convenient external land and sea communication options to Indias landlocked north-eastern states. Myanmars ocean boundaries are barely 30 km from the Andaman Islands increasing its maritime security potential. 8. Most of Myanmars mountain ranges and major river systems run north-south. This makes construction of road communication and movement from Indias east to Myanmar against the grain of the country difficult. At the same time it facilitates easier movement from the Chinese border in the northeast, and provides for natural flow of traffic. The Chinese have used this favourable terrain configuration to build road from the Chinese border to Mandalay in the heart of Myanmar and onward to the coast. As Myanmar provides the shortest access from mainland China to Indias eastern borders these developments have special long term strategic significance to India. 9. Indias north-eastern states bordering Myanmar are not as well developed as Yunnan province of China bordering Myanmar in the northeast. China has found it useful to link the development of Yunnan region jointly with Myanmar and Laos. Thus the two-way border trade and commerce is qualitatively and quantitatively better with China than with India. 10. While Indias relations with Myanmar have seen substantial improvement in recent years, Myanmar apparently remains within the Chinese sphere of influence. India has moved from voicing its opposition to the military juntas crackdown on pro-democracy activists and the arrest of Aung San Suu Kyi, the leader of the National League for Democracy to a more pragmatic, non-interventionist policy. This change in policy by India has been prompted by its desire to access the regions energy resources, gain access to the vast markets of Southeast Asia and to balance the influence of China. Strategic Significance of Myanmar 11. Strategic Importance to India . The reasons for the strategic importance of Myanmar to India are: (a) Myanmar is located at the tri junction of East Asia, South Asia and South East Asia. (b) Myanmar is the second largest of Indias neighbours and the largest on the eastern flank. (c) Myanmar provides the Eastern littoral of the Bay of Bengal. An unfriendly Myanmar hosting foreign naval presence would pose a threat to Indian security. (d) Myanmar has a big border with China in the north contiguous with the Sino-Indian disputed border which has many implications. (e) India has both a land border and a maritime boundary with Myanmar in the Bay of Bengal. Four Indian states (Arunachal Pradesh, Nagaland, Manipur and Mizoram) border Myanmar (Kachin Chin states and Sagaing Division) . (f) China can gain easy access to Indian Ocean through Myanmar. 12. Strategic Importance to China . In recent years, the strategic landscape in Southeast Asia has begun to change with the emergence of the Peoples Republic of China as a regional power. Chinas economic and military capabilities have grown dramatically at a time when Chinas traditional security challenge, Russia, has faded. Japan remains a long-term, but not an immediate security problem for China. This has left China free, in geopolitical terms, to shift its attention to the south Asia. Most striking manifestation of this development has been a very assertive policy toward the South China Sea; i.e., the entire sea and all the islands within it are now claimed as Chinese sovereign territory. Myanmar has a great deal of strategic significance for both India and China. Myanmars role in providing China a shorter access route to Indian Ocean and South Asia is going to be crucial in the strategic scene of South Asia. The Chinese have used the geophysical advantage they enjoy to gain access to Myanmars mineral and natural g as resources. Following a policy of non-interference in internal affairs of the country, China has become the main supplier of arms to Myanmar. This has enabled the military junta in power to beat the western sanctions and double the Army strength. The Energy factor 13. Chinas building of a port in Pakistan, its extra-polite friendship with the rulers of Myanmar and now its offer to Iran to pick up gas from Pakistan, is all part of the countrys quest for energy to feed its export economy and to marginalise Indias traditional dominance in the South Asian region. There, a mix of its own but rapidly depleting oil, low-grade coal and imported oil and gas are keeping the wheels of the export industry churning. 14. Myanmar is being cultivated as an exclusive oil and gas supplier to China. The extraordinary friendship the Chinese have struck up with the Myanmar rulers is not so puzzling if it is appreciated that oil and gas are Chinas main interest there. To this affect all loans advanced and all military hardware being sold have only one purpose to allow them to grab as much oil and gas as they can [13] . 15. South-East Asias biggest proven gas reserve lies in the Shwe field, just off the coast of Ramree Island. There is a plan to build a pipeline to carry the gas from Shwe field to China. A parallel pipe is also planned to be completed in next two years that will carry Middle Eastern and African oil from a new deep-water harbour at Kyaukphyu, bypassing the Strait of Malacca and fuelling the economy of Chinas south-west . China has made huge energy investments in Myanmar and plans to construct overland energy transport routes through that country to avoid the Malacca Straits choke point. This is a possibly the key factor behind Beijings support for the military junta in Myanmar. 16. The China National Offshore Oil Corporation (CNOOC) signed six contracts on production sharing with the Myanmar Oil and Gas Enterprise (MOGE) of the Ministry of Energy from October 2004 to January 2005 [14] . The China Petroleum and Chemical Corporation and its subsidiary Dian Quiangui Petroleum Exploration also work the inland fields. Moreover, the China National Petroleum Corporation (CNPC) and its subsidiary Chinnery Assets also won contracts to upgrade the four old oilfields in central Myanmar. 17. In a development of strategic importance, recently China beat India to sign a 30-year mega deal to import natural gas from fields in Myanmar offshore where interestingly Indias oil companies have 25 percent stake. Chinas State-run China National Petroleum Corp (CNPC) entered into a gas sales agreement with South Koreas Daewoo International for buying gas from the Shwe field in A-1 offshore block and the adjoining A-3 block[15] . Possible Implications Of Chinese Intentions 18. Myanmar, after decades of neutrality and a strictly non-aligned foreign policy has today emerged as Chinas principle military ally in Asia. China was the first country to officially recognize Myanmars State Law and Order Restoration Council (SLORC) after it seized power in September 1988. However, prior to this coup China had poured in arms, ammunition in Myanmar and actively supported rebels in Myanmar. This change can be explained in terms of Chinas changing post-Cold War strategic thinking and its priorities. Apart from sharing strategic and economic interests, China and Myanmar also share more than 2,000 km long common border. Besides, Myanmar has also been historically viewed as a buffer state between China and India. Thus, for reasons of geographical proximity, history and security, China has been going overboard trying to sweep Myanmar into its sphere of influence with a combination of economic, diplomatic and military ties[16] . China also views Myanmar as a gateway to Indo-China, South East Asia and the Indian Ocean. Domination of Myanmar enables China to encircle littoral and degrade Indias security environment along its North-eastern border and in the Bay of Bengal. Energy Security 19. It is now very clear that China is an emerging economic and military super power. Its economy has been growing at a consistent rate of 8-10% for the last 10 years and is expected to grow at the same rate in years to come. To be able to sustain its growth rate, China has huge energy requirement and is forging alliances all over the world to not only meet its requirements but also secure energy resources for future. Myanmar has reportedly worlds tenth biggest gas reserves estimated to be more than 90 trillion cubic feet. 20. Eighty percent of China bound oil and liquid natural gas passes through the Indian Ocean. Therefore, China is giving special importance to building strategic naval assets in the Indian Ocean. The building of the Gwadar port in Pakistan ia s part of this plan. Its naval listening facility in Myanmar is also augmenting Chinas blue water capabilities. But Chinas chief interest in Myanmar, analysts say, may lie in its strategic location as a site for pipelines that Beijing reportedly wants to build from Burmas ports to southern China for trans-shipping oil and gas brought by tankers from the Middle East. That would reduce Chinas need to ship oil or gas through the Malacca Straits, which Beijing worries could be closed off by the Indian Navy in the event of a conflict. Standing in the way of Chinese mastery of Indian Ocean shipping lanes is the Indian naval facility in the Andaman and Nicobar Islands in the Bay of Bengal, opposite the Malacca Straits. In addition, Indias modernization of its navy and its proposed acquisition of nuclear submarines and aircraft carriers are not sitting well with the Chinese. From these small islands, India can interdict most of Chinas energy imports. Indias Energy Security Concerns and Its Implications Indias Energy Security Concerns and Its Implications CHAPTER-I INTRODUCTION 1. Indias economy undeniably, is on a roll. However the parallel energy discourse, sadly, moves at a slow pace, lacking in requisite agility and momentum. If India is to secure its interests in a more healthy manner, its energy discourse must keep pace qualitatively and quantitatively, in concept and in execution, with its economic flight. There is indeed a need to take an analytical look at the entire paradigm of Indias energy security and critically examine whether or not it is appropriately poised and try and to identify the necessary correctives that will help propel the Indian economy along its growth trajectory. 2. A UNDP report defined energy security as the continuous availability of energy in varied forms, in sufficient quantities and at reasonable prices. For India, the Parikh Committee report stated that a country is energy secure when it can supply energy to all its citizens and meet their demand for safe and convenient energy at affordable costs, at all times, with a set confidence level, considering shocks and disruptions that can be expected. It is the, affordable rather than reasonable source of energy that any country would like to have. While describing the concern over Energy Security three major reasons come to mind as far India is concerned: (a) To achieve the aimed domestic economic growth rate of 7-9% energy security is an absolute necessity. (b) High overall global demand and limited supply constraints are continuously pushing up oil and gas prices to higher and higher limits. (c) With Energy supply constraints, there is tremendous international competition to secure the scarce energy resources. 3. Energy is paramount for the sustained economic growth of our country and to fulfil our aspirations of becoming a true Global Power. High projected economic growth rate call for greater availability of reliable and cheaper energy. India and Chinas energy demand growth is unfolding in the midst of a perfect storm: economic, geopolitical, and environmental factors are combining to create new challenges, pressures, opportunities and alliance. Furthermore economical per capita energy consumption (through better governance and distribution mechanism) and access to cheaper energy will help in reduction of energy poverty which is a key development goal for any country. In search of oil and gas these, countries are exhibiting a hunger for energy resources, which has resulted in establishing new ties in South East Asia, in Africa and in Central Asia. 4. It has been seen on various occasion, that these countries are been pitted against each other and this competition has given rise to concerns about the potential for re-emergence of conflict over energy resources. A fallout of this has been a realization by the West of the new geopolitics that endangers the global security and a realization by South Asian, Middle East and Africa countries of the attractiveness of Asia as an alternative market to Europe and the US. On another front, climate change and the links it has with energy and energy choices are also creating significant pressure for low-carbon economy paths for these emerging new economies, adding yet another restraint to energy choices and a new geopolitical dimension. METHODOLOGY Hypothesis 5. China has sought to gain strategic advantage over India in South Asia not only militarily but also through securing energy recourses by progressively making Indias neighbors dependent on China to a large extent for their defence supplies and other economic goodies . Chinese aid to Islamabad , Bangladesh , Sri Lanka and Myanmar is designed to lock India in a low-level deterrent relationship with its immediate neighbors and keep India confined to the sub-continent. The expansion of Chinese influence into Myanmar provides China, the potential to deploy their sea power in the Bay of Bengal, in Indias sensitive areas of maritime interest and to eventually pose a direct threat to Indias eastern seaboard. Also, China is competing for foreign investments and markets in these countries for their products in the next 15 to 20 years to achieve economic marginalization of India. The close relations between China and Myanmar also pose a threat to overall Indian security and economic interests in the Bay of Bengal region. 6. China has been providing military, economic and infrastructure support to these South Asian countries with a long term interest in mind. By providing this support, China aims to secure energy resources for its growing economy, build better relations with its neighbours, and gain a foothold in the South/South East Asian region. 7. Another aspect of Chinas interest in Indias neighbors could be simply be to support to its growing economy. China is aiming to quadruple its per capita GDP by 2020. This would imply an average annual economic growth of 7.2% till 2020. In order to attain this, China will have to keep meeting the enormous appetite of its energy. Thus, the Chinas interest may purely be to strengthen its economy with or without any malicious intentions towards India. However India can afford not be complacent with Chinas intentions if she wants to maintain a safe and secure scenario in South Asia for its own economic and social development. Statement of Problem 8. Are Indias future energy need concerns justified and what is its affect on the South Asias overall security scenario in the backdrop of Chinas aggressive quest for energy in the South Asian region . Justification of the Study 9. Energy crisis is a situation in which the nation suffers from a interruption of energy supplies, coupled by rapidly increasing energy prices that threaten economic and national security. The threat to economic security is represented by the possibility of declining economic growth, increasing inflation, rising unemployment, and losing billions of dollars in investment. The threat to national security is represented by the inability of the government to exercise various foreign policy options, especially in regard to countries with substantial oil reserves. 10. China and India are two rapidly growing economies. Chinas real GDP growth has shown a sustained growth of 8-9%. India too has shown an impressive growth. Both these countries are also one of the most populous in the world. China is the third largest importer of oil behind US and Japan whereas India is the fifth largest consumer in the world. The Energy hunger of India and China is already pushing oil and gas resources to its limits its their own countries. Both these countries also cannot afford any disruption to their energy supplies. 11. India, will face an energy crisis, if there is any disruption in the energy flow, either by war, terrorist strikes on oil production platform or blockage of SLOCs, resulting in increasing oil price. It is therefore imperative to understand the steps taken by India to ensure Energy security, especially in the backdrop of Chinas aggressive quest to secure its energy supplies in the South / South East Asian region and the growing ties between China and Myanmar. Scope 12. The study will discuss the energy forecast of India and China up to 2030 and the availability of energy resources in the world and South /South East Asia( With special reference to Myanmar ) . Having considered the energy resources available, it will explore the way and means adopted by both these countries to secure their energy resources and transportation without challenging each other and affecting the overall security scenario in South Asian region. Method of data collection 13. The source of data collection is Defence Services Staff College Library and Internet . The bibliography is appended at the end. Organisation of Dissertation 14. The study is carried out in the following sequence: (a) Energy requirements for India and China. (b) Indias efforts to secure energy supplies and the importance of Myanmar (China – Myanmar relations). (c) Indias initiatives in Bay of Bengal region to secure energy sources and maintain regional harmony. (d) The way ahead (Importance of cooperation with neighbouring countries for regional peace in South Asia). (e) Conclusion. CHAPTER-II ENERGY REQUIRMENT F OR INDIA A ND CHINA Indias Energy Quest 1. The Hydrocarbon Vision 2025, published by the Government of India in the month of February 2001[1], set out in very clear terms, Indias energy security dilemma : its crude oil self-sufficiency declined from 63% in 1989/90 to 30% in 2000/01. In 2024/25, crude oil self-sufficiency was expected to be a mere 15%. The situation relating to gas was equally grim. From 49 BCM (billion cubic metres) in 2006/07, Indias demand for gas is expected to rise to 125 BCM in 2024/25. As against this, production from existing fields and discoveries was 52 BCM, leaving a gap of 75 BCM to be filled through new domestic discoveries and from imports. The electric power sector was projected to account for 71% of the total incremental growth in Indias natural gas demand from 2000 to 2025. Indias installed power capacity at present is based on coal (59%), hydropower (26%), gas (10%), and nuclear (2%). In the period up to 2025, the share of gas in the energy mix would be 20%. The Integrated Energy Policy (I EP) document prepared by the Planning Commission, in August 2006, under the Chairmanship of Mr Kirit Parikh, takes a holistic view of Indias energy requirements up to 2031/32. The report postulates that, in order to reach growth rates of 8% per annum up to 2031/32, the country needs to do the following: (a) Increase primary energy supply by three to four times. (b) Expand electricity generation capacity by five to six times from the 2003/04 levels, that is, power generation capacity must increase from the current 160,000 MW (megawatt) to nearly 800,000 MW by 2031/322[2] . 2. Taking into account power and other commercial requirements, the report suggests that Indias primary commercial energy requirement (in million tonnes) would be as given in as following[3] : (a) Primary commercial energy requirement (million tones) . 3. The place of gas in the energy mix between 2006/7 and 2031/32 is projected as given as following[4]: (a) Energy mix (million tones) . 4. To reach its growth targets, India would need to hunt all available fuel options and energy sources, conventional and non-conventional. However, the current position with respect to specific energy resources is also to be noted. Presently, Indias energy mix is: coal and lignite 50%; oil and gas 45%; hydropower 2%, and nuclear 1.5%. In 2022, fossil fuels will continue to dominate Indias energy mix to the extent of 75%, with hydropower providing 14%, and nuclear power 6.5%. Even the proponents of nuclear power have noted that, most optimistically, nuclear energy will provide only 8.8% in Indias energy mix in 2032, as against 76% for fossil fuels, and 12% for hydropower. In 2052, when nuclear energy is likely to be 16.4% of our energy mix, coal is expected to be 40%; hydrocarbons 35%; and hydropower 5.1%[5] . 5. The IEP report has looked at different international scenarios pertaining to coal and gas. Its conclusion is unambiguous. Any supply strategy over the coming decades will have to emphasize Indias major resource, that is, coal. Coal is the most abundant domestically available primary energy resource other than thorium and solar. In the coal-based development scenario, the total demand for coal increases from 172 MTOE (million tonnes of oil equivalent) in 2004/05 to 1022 TOE in 2031/32. Measured in MT of Indian coal with 4000 kcal/kg (kilocalories per kilogram), the requirement of coal will thus increase from 406 MT in 2004/05 to 2555 MT in 2031/327 [6]. Chinas Energy Requirments 6. Before analyzing the Chinese forays in Energy markets South Asia , a basic question needs to be answered ,Why China? .The answer lies in the fact that India and China share many similarities. The countries are located in the same geographical area and are amongst the worlds most populated countries. They are the fastest growing economies in the world and are dependent on oil imports to fuel their economic growth. The way China has jump started its economic growth holds some important lessons that can be learnt. 7. The main reason fuelling Chinas aggressive forays into the energy markets are Chinas economic growth which has led to a near doubling of oil consumption in China. The average growth rate has been between 8-10% in the last decade . At this pace of economic growth, the Gross Domestic Product is expected to reach four times of its present value to 4.7 trillion dollars by year 2020 [7] . This high rate of growth has been fuelled by growth in heavy industries which will increase the demand for energy by 150% in the next decade. The near doubling of oil consumption is also partly fuelled by the fact that there is a high requirement of petro-chemical products in heavy industries and an increase in automobile growth in China. This has led to an increase of 7.5% in oil demand every year. Competition to Access Oil Resources in South / South East Asia 8. The oil situation emerging in South/ South East Asia is further complicated by the ongoing tussle between China and India to secure their own energy supplies in this region. The stiff competition is mainly because of two reasons, firstly the countries are amongst the fastest growing economies and secondly they lack in sufficient domestic energy sources and are net importers of oil. The two nations are resorting to efforts, both in the diplomatic and economic spheres. These efforts include forging new diplomatic alliances, high profile diplomatic visits, financial aid to the South Asian countries and investments in economic sectors like infrastructure, telecom and mineral extraction and resource development etc. 9. The state oil companies at the same time, are involved in deals in the oil and gas sectors purchasing stakes in oil fields which are already producing oil or are being explored, exchanging the know how in return for oil and participating in exploratory efforts to discover new oil and gas finds in the region . India is learning from the Chinese efforts in these fields as they have a head start over us in this area and have been quite successful in their efforts to secure their energy supplies. Both India and China are looking towards SriLanka, Bangladesh and Mayanmar for oil and Gas. Chinese Forays 10. China is not only a major energy consumer, but also a major producer with a high degree of self-reliance. In 2008, Chinas energy production reached 2.06 billion tonnes of standard coal and the consumption was 2.22 billion tonnes, ranking the second both in terms of production and consumption with a self-sufficiency of 93%. Coal is the primary source of energy for China and oil comes the second. While meeting the domestic demand, China exports 60–80 MT (million tonnes) of coal every year and is a main exporter of coal and charcoal in the world (even to India). Chinas power generation capacity in 2008-09 was the second largest only after that of USA. China produced over 182 MT of petroleum and 54 BCM (billion cubic metres) of natural gas. 11. To fulfil its growing appetite for energy, China is aggressively pursuing various energy resources. Chinese companies are involved in acquisition of oil companies, buying oil fields and purchasing partnerships in oil fields that are being developed. China is pursuing a multi dimensional approach which is a mix of diplomatic and economic efforts. One of the main thrust of Chinas oil policy is towards Asia and Africa. The importance of Africa countries to China can be appreciated from the fact that the trade between these is expected to rise many fold by the years to come . As part of its Go West policy, China is also accessing the Central Asian Region. It has plans to build pipelines from Tarim Basin in China to Kazakhstan and Turkmenistan in order to import oil and gas. In 2004, construction began on a pipeline from North West Kazakhstan to Xinjiang to carry oil. Chinese influence in the Central Asian Republics can be gauged from the fact that these republics now subscribe to the Chinese view on a multi polar world, and its views on various regional and international issues like Tibet, Taiwan etc. CHAPTER-III INDIAS EFFORTS TO SECURE ENERGY SUPPLIES AND THE IMPORTANCE OF MYANMAR 1. India Hydrocarbon Vision 2025 document as discussed earlier had given considerable importance to the role of gas in the energy mix to realize the projected national growth rates. This may be is primarily because though we may be having a large deposits of coal however the domestically produced coal has very high ash and sulphur content and is of very low calorific value . The coal utilized in the country has 4000 kcal/kg as against 6000 kcal/kg available in imported coal. In fact, the coal used in the Indian power plants has a calorific of value 3500 kcal/kg. Large estimates of total coal reserves do give a false sense of security because current and future technologies will convert only a small portion of the total reserves into a mineable category. Owing to all these reasons the govt has started looking towards new sources of energy supply so as to have a requisite amount of strategic energy reserve [8]. 2. There have been several large natural gas finds in India over the last five years, predominantly in the offshore Bay of Bengal (Krishna Godavari region). The discoveries also fit into the recent trend of large upstream developments in the Bay of Bengal, especially in the Krishna Godavari basin. Gujarat State Petroleum Corporation (GSPC) holds an estimated 20 Tcf of natural gas reserves in the Krishna Godavari area [9]. ONGC has worked to maximize its recovery rate at the Mumbai High, which supplies the bulk of the countrys natural gas at present. Transnational Pipeline to meet India s needs 3. Iran-Pakistan-India Pipeline . India has considered various proposals for international pipeline connections with other countries. One such scheme is the Iran-Pakistan-India (IPI) Pipeline, which has been under discussion since early nineties (1994). The plan calls for a roughly 1,700-mile, 2.8-Bcf/d pipeline to run from the South Pars fields in iran to the Indian state of Gujarat [11]. 4. Turkmenistan-Afghanistan-Pakistan-India Pipeline . India has shown interest to join onto the Turkmenistan-Afghanistan-Pakistan pipeline. The TAP project consists of 1,500-mile pipeline originating in Turkmenistans Dauletabad – Donmex natural gas fields and transporting the fuel to markets in Afghanistan, Pakistan, and to India. Initial plans for the TAP call for the line to have a capacity between 2-4Bcf/d at an estimated cost of $3.4 billion. While India has publicly promoted this scheme while negotiations with Iran have slowed, the TAPI(India) project faces a variety of hurdles. India has concerns about the security of the proposed line, which would traverse unstable regions in Afghanistan and Pakistan. Furthermore, a recent review of the TAPI project raised doubts whether the Turkmen natural gas supplies are sufficient to meet its proposed export commitments. 5. Imports from Myanmar . A third international pipeline proposal envisions India importing natural gas from Myanmar. In March 2006, the governments of India and Myanmar signed a natural gas supply deal, although a specific pipeline route has yet to be determined. Initially, the two countries planned to build a pipeline that would cross Bangladesh. However, after indecision from Bangladeshi authorities over the plans, India and Myanmar have studied the possibility of building a pipeline that would terminate in the eastern Indian state of Tripura and not cross Bangladeshi soil at all. Let us now discuss the impotence of Myanmar and see as to why is it so relevant in the overall energy game. GEO-STRATEGIC LOCATION OF MYANMAR Geographic Loc 6. Myanmar shares common borders with five countries Bangladesh 193 km, China 2,185 km, India 1,463 km, Laos 235 km, and Thailand 1,800 km. India dominates Myanmars western borders, just as China dominate its north-eastern borders. Thailand borders the entire eastern part of Myanmar except for narrow strip that borders Laos. And this makes Myanmar a strategic land bridge linking South, and Southeast Asia [12]. 7. As a littoral of the Indian Ocean, Myanmars strategic value further increases. Its 1930 km long coastline dominates the eastern arch of the Bay of Bengal, leaning on to the Malacca Strait. Thus Myanmar provides China the shortest land and sea access to South Asia, just as it provides convenient external land and sea communication options to Indias landlocked north-eastern states. Myanmars ocean boundaries are barely 30 km from the Andaman Islands increasing its maritime security potential. 8. Most of Myanmars mountain ranges and major river systems run north-south. This makes construction of road communication and movement from Indias east to Myanmar against the grain of the country difficult. At the same time it facilitates easier movement from the Chinese border in the northeast, and provides for natural flow of traffic. The Chinese have used this favourable terrain configuration to build road from the Chinese border to Mandalay in the heart of Myanmar and onward to the coast. As Myanmar provides the shortest access from mainland China to Indias eastern borders these developments have special long term strategic significance to India. 9. Indias north-eastern states bordering Myanmar are not as well developed as Yunnan province of China bordering Myanmar in the northeast. China has found it useful to link the development of Yunnan region jointly with Myanmar and Laos. Thus the two-way border trade and commerce is qualitatively and quantitatively better with China than with India. 10. While Indias relations with Myanmar have seen substantial improvement in recent years, Myanmar apparently remains within the Chinese sphere of influence. India has moved from voicing its opposition to the military juntas crackdown on pro-democracy activists and the arrest of Aung San Suu Kyi, the leader of the National League for Democracy to a more pragmatic, non-interventionist policy. This change in policy by India has been prompted by its desire to access the regions energy resources, gain access to the vast markets of Southeast Asia and to balance the influence of China. Strategic Significance of Myanmar 11. Strategic Importance to India . The reasons for the strategic importance of Myanmar to India are: (a) Myanmar is located at the tri junction of East Asia, South Asia and South East Asia. (b) Myanmar is the second largest of Indias neighbours and the largest on the eastern flank. (c) Myanmar provides the Eastern littoral of the Bay of Bengal. An unfriendly Myanmar hosting foreign naval presence would pose a threat to Indian security. (d) Myanmar has a big border with China in the north contiguous with the Sino-Indian disputed border which has many implications. (e) India has both a land border and a maritime boundary with Myanmar in the Bay of Bengal. Four Indian states (Arunachal Pradesh, Nagaland, Manipur and Mizoram) border Myanmar (Kachin Chin states and Sagaing Division) . (f) China can gain easy access to Indian Ocean through Myanmar. 12. Strategic Importance to China . In recent years, the strategic landscape in Southeast Asia has begun to change with the emergence of the Peoples Republic of China as a regional power. Chinas economic and military capabilities have grown dramatically at a time when Chinas traditional security challenge, Russia, has faded. Japan remains a long-term, but not an immediate security problem for China. This has left China free, in geopolitical terms, to shift its attention to the south Asia. Most striking manifestation of this development has been a very assertive policy toward the South China Sea; i.e., the entire sea and all the islands within it are now claimed as Chinese sovereign territory. Myanmar has a great deal of strategic significance for both India and China. Myanmars role in providing China a shorter access route to Indian Ocean and South Asia is going to be crucial in the strategic scene of South Asia. The Chinese have used the geophysical advantage they enjoy to gain access to Myanmars mineral and natural g as resources. Following a policy of non-interference in internal affairs of the country, China has become the main supplier of arms to Myanmar. This has enabled the military junta in power to beat the western sanctions and double the Army strength. The Energy factor 13. Chinas building of a port in Pakistan, its extra-polite friendship with the rulers of Myanmar and now its offer to Iran to pick up gas from Pakistan, is all part of the countrys quest for energy to feed its export economy and to marginalise Indias traditional dominance in the South Asian region. There, a mix of its own but rapidly depleting oil, low-grade coal and imported oil and gas are keeping the wheels of the export industry churning. 14. Myanmar is being cultivated as an exclusive oil and gas supplier to China. The extraordinary friendship the Chinese have struck up with the Myanmar rulers is not so puzzling if it is appreciated that oil and gas are Chinas main interest there. To this affect all loans advanced and all military hardware being sold have only one purpose to allow them to grab as much oil and gas as they can [13] . 15. South-East Asias biggest proven gas reserve lies in the Shwe field, just off the coast of Ramree Island. There is a plan to build a pipeline to carry the gas from Shwe field to China. A parallel pipe is also planned to be completed in next two years that will carry Middle Eastern and African oil from a new deep-water harbour at Kyaukphyu, bypassing the Strait of Malacca and fuelling the economy of Chinas south-west . China has made huge energy investments in Myanmar and plans to construct overland energy transport routes through that country to avoid the Malacca Straits choke point. This is a possibly the key factor behind Beijings support for the military junta in Myanmar. 16. The China National Offshore Oil Corporation (CNOOC) signed six contracts on production sharing with the Myanmar Oil and Gas Enterprise (MOGE) of the Ministry of Energy from October 2004 to January 2005 [14] . The China Petroleum and Chemical Corporation and its subsidiary Dian Quiangui Petroleum Exploration also work the inland fields. Moreover, the China National Petroleum Corporation (CNPC) and its subsidiary Chinnery Assets also won contracts to upgrade the four old oilfields in central Myanmar. 17. In a development of strategic importance, recently China beat India to sign a 30-year mega deal to import natural gas from fields in Myanmar offshore where interestingly Indias oil companies have 25 percent stake. Chinas State-run China National Petroleum Corp (CNPC) entered into a gas sales agreement with South Koreas Daewoo International for buying gas from the Shwe field in A-1 offshore block and the adjoining A-3 block[15] . Possible Implications Of Chinese Intentions 18. Myanmar, after decades of neutrality and a strictly non-aligned foreign policy has today emerged as Chinas principle military ally in Asia. China was the first country to officially recognize Myanmars State Law and Order Restoration Council (SLORC) after it seized power in September 1988. However, prior to this coup China had poured in arms, ammunition in Myanmar and actively supported rebels in Myanmar. This change can be explained in terms of Chinas changing post-Cold War strategic thinking and its priorities. Apart from sharing strategic and economic interests, China and Myanmar also share more than 2,000 km long common border. Besides, Myanmar has also been historically viewed as a buffer state between China and India. Thus, for reasons of geographical proximity, history and security, China has been going overboard trying to sweep Myanmar into its sphere of influence with a combination of economic, diplomatic and military ties[16] . China also views Myanmar as a gateway to Indo-China, South East Asia and the Indian Ocean. Domination of Myanmar enables China to encircle littoral and degrade Indias security environment along its North-eastern border and in the Bay of Bengal. Energy Security 19. It is now very clear that China is an emerging economic and military super power. Its economy has been growing at a consistent rate of 8-10% for the last 10 years and is expected to grow at the same rate in years to come. To be able to sustain its growth rate, China has huge energy requirement and is forging alliances all over the world to not only meet its requirements but also secure energy resources for future. Myanmar has reportedly worlds tenth biggest gas reserves estimated to be more than 90 trillion cubic feet. 20. Eighty percent of China bound oil and liquid natural gas passes through the Indian Ocean. Therefore, China is giving special importance to building strategic naval assets in the Indian Ocean. The building of the Gwadar port in Pakistan ia s part of this plan. Its naval listening facility in Myanmar is also augmenting Chinas blue water capabilities. But Chinas chief interest in Myanmar, analysts say, may lie in its strategic location as a site for pipelines that Beijing reportedly wants to build from Burmas ports to southern China for trans-shipping oil and gas brought by tankers from the Middle East. That would reduce Chinas need to ship oil or gas through the Malacca Straits, which Beijing worries could be closed off by the Indian Navy in the event of a conflict. Standing in the way of Chinese mastery of Indian Ocean shipping lanes is the Indian naval facility in the Andaman and Nicobar Islands in the Bay of Bengal, opposite the Malacca Straits. In addition, Indias modernization of its navy and its proposed acquisition of nuclear submarines and aircraft carriers are not sitting well with the Chinese. From these small islands, India can interdict most of Chinas energy imports.